Canada Goose lost her foot!

Sep 13, 2019
There is a goose at our local park that has only 1 foot, she was just seen this morning. It is so heartbreaking! We live in Bloomsburg PA, where we have fought to save our geese from the evil USDA (who inhumanly slaughters thousands of Canada geese, with their goslings, every year) and our town council for the past several months. My sister monitored the park Geese and spent many many hours with them every single day to ensure their safety. She has mostly tracked the families and so she isn’t sure if this was just flew in, or if this was something that just happened. Is there a fix for this poor girl? She does not have any goslings, or even a mate. Is euthanasia the best choice when something like this happens?

Does she seem in pain? It doesn't look too recent. Birds adapt to those types of situations very well... But she will be picked off by a predator if she shows any signs of weakness.
She is hobbling around really bad and it appears to be painful. On closer inspection, the leg looks white on the bottom. Not sure if that indicates a newer wound? I hate to do wrong by a wild animal!
She is hobbling around really bad and it appears to be painful. On closer inspection, the leg looks white on the bottom. Not sure if that indicates a newer wound? I hate to do wrong by a wild animal!
It begs the question, why kill her if she may still have time left before a predator gets her, but she'll die much more tragically then.

Is there any way you can contain her? Is it illegal to catch one?
It begs the question, why kill her if she may still have time left before a predator gets her, but she'll die much more tragically then.

Is there any way you can contain her? Is it illegal to catch one?
My husband and I went and looked at her. The white on the bottom appears to be the bone, and we think the wound is old. Seems to me that leaving her alone is best, and I fully agree that letting her live her life out the way she is, is best. It is so sad for Canada geese… most of them probably do eventually get killed by a predator. I guess it’s the same for most small wild animals.
Is there a waterfowl reacue close to you? here in NC we have Carolina waterfowl rescue if you contact them they may know someone who would be able to take her in. Geese and ducks can live with something like this. It may have been a snapping turtle that bit off her foot. They are voracious predators.

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