Canadian Postal Strike is certainly having its toll!!

I agree with all of you, the main reason I am so ticked off. Here purolator and I am not sure if it was fedex or some other similar carrier used to deliver live animals, then something happened which I have no cue what it was, and then the only ones permitted to do so was Canada post.

I have had live cargo packages left outside in minus 30 blow Celsius weather, and even in the truck over night. It was crickets and other worms at that time, since I had lizards. But I have also ha mail gone missing, packages, magazines. you name it. In my area it wasn't the sorting warehouse that was at fault but my actual letter carriers, I once received a registered letter from my lawyer already opened, and I could tell the letter had been taken out and read because it was not folded back up properly when placed back in the envelope.

They cannot do their job right to begin with and they want more money....bah!!!!
Do you know what my boss would do if I asked for a raise but told him I am cutting back productivity and expected to be paid a full days wages anyway?



I think my boss would say "I like you, but I CAN replace you!!" lol....

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