Canadians check in here....

Welcome to Micklee and Moutian Wampus

Hey Moutian wampus, I heard Quebec sure got it a lot worse then us snow wise :( I hope you are dug out!
Not too sure where you would get fed supplies from. Have you tried googling it? That what we first did, they didn't have a website, but Canada 411, gave us a phone num and I went from there.

Hello Micklee, you might want to try a different thread for anserew to specific questions about baby chicks.. idk, I'm still pretty new to that world to be able to anserew

Bakers Farm, I've never thought about the snow being good for the sap, makes sense though :)
Ha I betcha your wife does love snow days :) I would too if I were a teacher. I feel bad for the teachers in Rural areas, I've talked to a few, and their expected to go in, no matter how bad it is :( Not really fair, imo.. I think, the ones with long comutes should get to stay home.
My girls are young enough, I stay home with them, and call into work. I'm self employed though... Still have to call customers, but they understand. Hubby still goes, and just like you, poor guy gets home and has to do driveway too. Although last night he didn't, He leaves at 6an and gets home at 6:30-7pm. I say we just drive over it, it will melt soon enough :)
I haven't found my feed supplier yet, but I believe there are some in the area.. now if it will just stop snowing!
Dawson Creek, BC
Yay! I lived there as a child! Have lots of family there. Welcome!

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