Canadians check in here....

Baker Farm
I know Rooneys in Kemptville sells ready to lay for $14.00, were trying them for our first time this year.

Our birds usually come from Freys, That's where all our hens come from. and our meaties in the past. Were very happy with hens,, but not our meaties. I think their ready to lays are normally $15.00. Idk for sure though we bought chicks.
The company that dealt with our birds was Dixie and Egan, they have one in Addison. Not too sure how far that is for you's

I don't know of any "breeders" selling. Still new to this game, so I met the guy at our local feed store. Dixie and Egan, and just stuck with him, he's been really good to me.

Where do you buy your feed from?
Did you like that snow day today?
Baker Farm
I know Rooneys in Kemptville sells ready to lay for $14.00, were trying them for our first time this year.

Our birds usually come from Freys, That's where all our hens come from. and our meaties in the past. Were very happy with hens,, but not our meaties. I think their ready to lays are normally $15.00. Idk for sure though we bought chicks.
The company that dealt with our birds was Dixie and Egan, they have one in Addison. Not too sure how far that is for you's

I don't know of any "breeders" selling. Still new to this game, so I met the guy at our local feed store. Dixie and Egan, and just stuck with him, he's been really good to me.

Where do you buy your feed from?
Did you like that snow day today?
its STILL SNOWING! have had over a foot so far today.. Upsetting me since I have to wait for snow to be under BUTT deep to start my coop / aviary :( Still looking for where I'll buy supplies for my flock in the area. ( St. Jerome')
Dixie and Egan in Addison isn't far from me, but I get my feed from Dodds and Irwin's in Perth since its right across the road from where I work. They order poultry usually through frey's and another place. I find people selling certain breeds locally on kijiji usually, and some friends of mine have chantaclers so I hope to score 1 or 2 of those. ;)
My wife likes snow days, she is a high school teacher :) I don't get a break, go to work, then plow the driveway when I get home. Other than insulating the ground to help the sugaring season go longer I've had enough of snow for this year!
Anyone have any ideas how to set up a simple pen for my purebred Australorps to hatch and raise their own chicks? Can you put newly hatched chicks under a very broody hen and fool her into thinking that she hatched them?
I know I want the snow to go away its starting to get on my nerves lol. It fooled us last week, lots of snow had melted you could even see grass in some spots it was +5 out sunny, beautiful, then bam next day -17 snowing :(
Welcome to Micklee and Moutian Wampus

Hey Moutian wampus, I heard Quebec sure got it a lot worse then us snow wise :( I hope you are dug out!
Not too sure where you would get fed supplies from. Have you tried googling it? That what we first did, they didn't have a website, but Canada 411, gave us a phone num and I went from there.

Hello Micklee, you might want to try a different thread for anserew to specific questions about baby chicks.. idk, I'm still pretty new to that world to be able to anserew

Bakers Farm, I've never thought about the snow being good for the sap, makes sense though :)
Ha I betcha your wife does love snow days :) I would too if I were a teacher. I feel bad for the teachers in Rural areas, I've talked to a few, and their expected to go in, no matter how bad it is :( Not really fair, imo.. I think, the ones with long comutes should get to stay home.
My girls are young enough, I stay home with them, and call into work. I'm self employed though... Still have to call customers, but they understand. Hubby still goes, and just like you, poor guy gets home and has to do driveway too. Although last night he didn't, He leaves at 6an and gets home at 6:30-7pm. I say we just drive over it, it will melt soon enough :)
I know I want the snow to go away its starting to get on my nerves lol. It fooled us last week, lots of snow had melted you could even see grass in some spots it was +5 out sunny, beautiful, then bam next day -17 snowing

Don'tcha just love that!!
It did that here too! This weekend they say will be nice.. "fingerscrossed"
CCR, I am also in Vancouver Island (where it's sunny and there are snowdrops and daffodils sorry!)

What types of birds are you looking for? I spent a lot of time looking for good quality Blue Amerecuanas and found a few good breeders.
As I've kept researching hatcheries I came across another that offers several types of birds, including rarer, less commercial breeds. They raise every bird that I am ordering from DC heritage so I can now buy another bunch from . This way I can be sure to have similar but different genetics in my flock, and hopefully strengthen the genes in my flock rather than dilute them w possible inbreeding.
We've done preformance before, they were great chicks, our turkerys are coming from them this year. You really need to order in advance with them.

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