Canadians check in here....

Hi there! my hubby was born and raised in Oshawa and I have family that moved there in the 70's!
You will love having poultry!
Just bought an incubator me go now!!!
Edmonton, Alberta - most of the time - but also Rocky Mountain House, as often as we can get to our trailer parked at Wilderness Village RV Resort. And I'm a newbie when it comes to raising chickens. Still trying to figure out if and how I can do this in the city. Any advice?
g'day eh!

hailing from the beautiful sunshiney :cool:coast in BC (though it has all been liquid sunshine lately, some heat would be nice!)

new to the chicken game,
aquired 6 chickys from my sons class at school, they are only 3-4 days old.

we've 4 kids the human kind 2 girls 2 boys and a cat. and we live a block from a beautiful lake

well i see most are from the east cept one or two.. you from vancouver island ! i was raised there:frow

I lived in Iroquois Falls, and we had a camp on the Frederickhouse River just outside of Connaught. Loved loved LOVED it and am missing it thinking about our camp, the call of the loons, the cry of the wolves, and so on , and so on.
Hubby and I will head back up north when he retires, and actually he is heading up there tomorrow to go fishing avec ses amies at Horwood Lake Lodge--its may run don't ya know
Hi everyone!!
I'm from Toronto and moving to Orillia, Ont at the end of the month.
I have always wanted to raise chicken's for eggs and now that I have more space and privacy I'm going to give it a try. I'm not sure if Orillia allows backyard chickens but I don't see any by laws against it on their website.
I am currently looking for Coop plans to figure out what style of Coop would be best to help the chixs threw the hard winter. Any suggestions??
Next I guess I would be deciding what breed of laying chicken would do best where I am and how many.
Ahhh feels like I still have a long way to go but don't mind doing the research and am happy to have found this forum.

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