Canadians check in here....

I have a metal rod and my hubby got me a chain on each side I just punch the rod through the veggie and than hang it in the coop.

Sorry it's a little hard for me to explain in english. I will get a picture for you of it so you can see it tomorrow, ok?

Do you have a picture of it? Maybe if you would run some wire through it like an "X" to make the tarp stronger and than use heavy plastic and also try to way it down or nail it on a 2x4 wrap the tarp around it maybe twice so you do have weight to keep it down, and then before your do staple or nail the tarp to the fence use tuck tape to make the tarp stronger. And put the tarp on so the wind pushes it agains the fence and does not blow it up like a balloon. Or … .well I don't wanna sound like I know everything how to do, these are just ideas which pop into my head

Yes I do have lots of Ideas, and the problem is I wanna do many of them, but now we can get lots done, we are in the process to build up a little homestead for us, and are on the long way to get more self-sufficient. The Chicken are just one of the many projects we work on in moment, there are plans for getting Rabbits, maybe a couple Nigerian Dwarf Goats, Bees, Geese, Turkey, Ducks. And also I will have a big Garden for Veggie, Berry's, Fruits and Herbs this Year. I already do a lot of things myself, like Laundry soap and I always bake my own bread and make soap and lots more. I learned how to smoke fish and meat and sausages from my grandparents way back than, also how to make them myself. I truly believe that this is a way to live a healthier life and it might be costly in the beginning because many thinks need to be purchased and build but in the long run when things are up and running it will be a great reward when you exactly know what you bring on the table.

Anyway, this is not the purpose of this thread it belongs somewhere else ;-)

Thanks for your ideas, Kueken. You have lots of goals - and you're well on the way to achieving them! We love the country life as well. I plant a big vegetable garden (as well as lots of flowers). Like you said, it feels good to know where your food comes from. Also have miniature donkeys and miniature goats. And now the chickens.
Do you milk your goats? Is it true that the milk is very strong ?

The Garden is a wonderful way to do lots of things, I also wanna plant some Food for my chicken, do to the fact that I do mix wholegrain for them and do not feed commercial food, will this help to keep costs low. (At least when no storm is coming) So for this year I plan on Sunflower, Lentils, Lupine, Cabbage and so on.

Here are the pictures from the Anti Boredom Food Ideas ;-)

Hi all:) From Toronto, but live in Florida for the winter. I can't remember if I introduced myself in this forum yet....derp!
Anyhoo, I was wondering....can I take fertilized eggs back from the US? I mean, for all anyone knows, I am eating them! We've gone back and forth with eggs a lot (by RV) at land borders.


Anyone know what the egg shipping rules in Canada are? Do you need a license?
Sorry, I don't know if you need a license to ship them, but I couldn't see why. I mean, if you do send them to somebody lets say once, because it is a friend why should you need a license? But for sure if you gonna do it commercial on a bigger scale. But this is just a thought, I don't know it for sure. Here in canada you need for almost everything a license I figured. I would contact canada post or ups or so to figure it out. They can tell you, I guess.

Hi all:) From Toronto, but live in Florida for the winter. I can't remember if I introduced myself in this forum yet....derp!
Anyhoo, I was wondering....can I take fertilized eggs back from the US? I mean, for all anyone knows, I am eating them! We've gone back and forth with eggs a lot (by RV) at land borders.

I know that one of my friends went to the us and bought fertilized eggs and came back with them without any problem.
Saskatchewan!!! Regina/Moose Jaw area.

I have just gotten some chickens and am expecting some eggs to hatch on or about Saturday.

I am very interested in wheaten marans but have been unable to find purebreds.

I was hoping to find some other chicken people near by.

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