Canadians check in here....

Yup we got a big dumping of snow and the power was out for two days here.

Everyone here's got there snowmobiles out.

DSCF6666.jpg're making me miss Guelph. Sniff....snifff.....even if there IS snow. Sigh. I'll have to console myself with the fact that I have lots of chickens and Saturday mail delivery. Otherwise I might run home.
Yeah, isn't this how LAST winter started, almost exactly, only this week it's started about 10 days earlier? Eeeep.

The eavestrough on the back of the garage came partly down and the aluminum split open, and now I have to figure out some way to put up new eavestrough this afternoon despite a melting snowpack on the roof constantly dripping down. I've done it on the barn before so I think I can get it to work, but man, I hate this stuff.

.... here near Guelph its a Grey heavy sky day....slushy ....feels like a storms coming....But its gotten a little warmer so maybe I can stuff some outdoor flower pots with Christmas greenery....
Well, I'm bummed. We don't have any snow.
We had a little on the ground this morning, but it is gone, and now it's just snow/rain mix with nothing sticking to the ground. Everyone around us got snow--but not us. I want snow!!!!!

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