Canadians check in here....

Yes I hear last week alot of towns got hit down south in Ontario...LIKE A DUMPING ...exspecially for November...I guess thats why they call it the snow belt...hahaha!!!
Dont worry hon its coming....ha
More snow it's been snowing since the last pic I posted
Talk about snow belt!

This is an up to date photo, my poor cedar hedges are buckling under the weight of the snow.
I would much rather walk out to the barn in THAT, than in mucky, slippery mud. I WANT SNOW!!!! I miss the north!!!!

I going to hate when all this stuff melts and i'm left with the mud pit your talking about.
Hastings County has got snow
Lots of it too! ... but still no school bus cancellation for me, even though the other bus that runs into Marmora was cancelled yesterday, mine... the one that has to take the backroads to the school was not!

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