Canadians check in here....

I get mine at Hewitts dairy. Other places to look are health food stores.

Yes I found it at Hewitts Dairy in Hagersville, Ont. Yeaaaa. My babies are coming tomorrow!!! Getting excited. Now it has turned cold here. 0 degrees C. just when my chicks come. For the past two weeks it has been in the 20's C and beautiful. But we are supposed to warm up again later this week. I have had to cover some of my delicate plants outside - like my Wisteria which is full of bloom buds. Very difficult to cover a huge Wisteria which is wrapped around a pine
Yes I found it at Hewitts Dairy in Hagersville, Ont. Yeaaaa. My babies are coming tomorrow!!! Getting excited. Now it has turned cold here. 0 degrees C. just when my chicks come. For the past two weeks it has been in the 20's C and beautiful. But we are supposed to warm up again later this week. I have had to cover some of my delicate plants outside - like my Wisteria which is full of bloom buds. Very difficult to cover a huge Wisteria which is wrapped around a pine
Glad you found it okay

I know, right? The weather has been great until now! It's supposed to frost tonight

Hope you post pics of your new babies tomorrow!
Yeah, the weather is crazy here! I turned off the furnace a couple weeks ago 'for the year'. Didn't think I'd be using it again so soon!

It's 9C/48F atm, supposed to get close to freezing tonight. Tomorrow, heavy thundershowers, although the rest of the week looks to be in the late teens (60Fs). Guess I'll have to wait on gardening. :S
Yeah, the weather is crazy here! I turned off the furnace a couple weeks ago 'for the year'. Didn't think I'd be using it again so soon!

It's 9C/48F atm, supposed to get close to freezing tonight. Tomorrow, heavy thundershowers, although the rest of the week looks to be in the late teens (60Fs). Guess I'll have to wait on gardening. :S
I've already done some gardening, but hopefully everything is still far enough under ground that nothing freezes to death!

Here they are! I'm a new mommy! Lol.

So cute!

Eating and drinking well.
Got my order from Murray McMurray hatchery yesterday, all was perfectly fine coming back across the border into Canada, the initial customs lady I had got flustered, she had never done it before, couldn't get one of her systems to load telling her if I was allowed to bring them into the country. She finally asked a co-worker who simply asked when they were born, I said Saturday and he said you're good to go! Didn't ask to see paperwork, the chicks,NOTHING! Something about them being less then 3 days old apparently!

We got 36 chicks, they shipped Saturday from IA and my PO lady called me Monday morning at about 7:30 (way before the PO was even open) to let me know they were there so they must have arrived Sunday sometime. All 36 survived, the "free rare breed" is having some issues, he/she is by far the smallest (I'm fairly certain it's a white crested black polish) I was sure it was a goner yesterday, he was just limp with zero life but I started giving him some sugar water last night, he took a few sips and has come around a bit, stays awake a little bit at a time now. I've been giving him the sugar water mixture all day but figured it's probably time to try and get some useful calories in him so I mixed some of his starter feed with a boiled egg yolk and made it a paste with a little milk so he can drink it. He's taken a few sips. I don't really know what else to do for the poor guy

I have also checked his vent which is clear, there is a little poo around it though so I know he has gone to the bathroom which I take is a good sign.
Any advice I will take! I really want this little guy to make it! :)

Here's my little guy. I am pretty sure he is in fact a he being the "freebie" of the group. I always said I was sure the rooster that wasn't going to be put in the fridge would stand out to me when I got my order. If this is a him, he will be our keeper if he makes it through :)
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