Canadians check in here....

so after running to the shed to read the label on my duck food (I pictured my sweet drake thrashing on the ground in kidney failure) I know a bit dramatic but… I found out I am not feeding my ducks layer food at all. I am feeding them duck grower/finisher. Greatly relieved with that but have still decided I am going to switch the chickens and ducks to one food and ferment. We have a small mill just down the road from us and want to keep using them ( shop locally). They offer a chicken grower with 18% protein which is comparable to the duck food and the chicken layer we are using now. They all get offered oyster shell and grit so can anyone see any reason not to use this? After doing some reading about layer food I am too worried about the high calcium and effects on their kidneys.
To answer the original question, I am in Canada, in the far east, in Bas St-Laurent, Quebec. I have chickens for 15 years, mostly Dark Brahma, large fowls and some others breeds that I enjoy. I am very happy to see so many people with nice poultry in this northern Canada
Well I may not be a serious breeder, but my chickens and ducks over 20 weeks are no longer babies and eat only layer pellets, too much protein isn't good either.
For 20 years I managed a pheasant farm, raised 26,000 to 32,000 birds to adult each year for those years and kept over 2,500 breeders each winter.
But it's still just my opinion, I don't think any good nutrition comes from feeding adults starter feed or chicks layer mash like some back yard breeders tend to do, but to each their own.
For the years before that 20 and now 14 years later, I finally tried Purina feed last fall and my chickens didn't like it.
I have over a 100 bird backyard hobby now, of which only 4 are pheasant.
I have 170 birds myself over winter. Starter has all the same in nutrients and values as layer within the same brand, with 3% more protein. It's 18%. The only thing it doesn't have is high calcium content, which is the danger of Layer to birds that are not in need of it. The calcium is to increase the strength of the egg shells.

Your birds are only a little over 20 weeks? Well that is why you don't see any issues yet. IT takes time to cause damage like that. Alcoholics don't get liver damage instantly. It build up over time.. the kidneys and liver have to filter that out of their system, which is how it causes such damage.
Not all alcoholics die of liver disease, but many do. Long term calcium overload is going to make the kidneys work harder than they have to. Why inflict that on them if it is not needed?

18% protein is perfect. That is not too high, and not too low. However, I add whole grains in my ferment so I even out around 17% protein.
Quote: Prevention
To prevent gout in your flock wait to feed your birds laying feed until after they have started laying. Don't start your birds on layer feed before they begin laying, it's not necessary; it won’t make them start laying any sooner and is potentially very dangerous. If possible, don't give your roosters laying feed. Don’t give your birds extra protein. Feeding things like canned cat food or game bird feed, both of which are very high in protein, can be very dangerous for your birds. Try to keep your birds secure and always quarantine any new birds. You don't want to introduce any virus or disease, some of which are damaging to the kidneys. Make sure your birds always have access to clean, fresh water. Dehydration, especially during these hot summer months can be very damaging to the kidneys and result in sudden losses or chronic kidney disease.
so after running to the shed to read the label on my duck food (I pictured my sweet drake thrashing on the ground in kidney failure) I know a bit dramatic but… I found out I am not feeding my ducks layer food at all. I am feeding them duck grower/finisher. Greatly relieved with that but have still decided I am going to switch the chickens and ducks to one food and ferment. We have a small mill just down the road from us and want to keep using them ( shop locally). They offer a chicken grower with 18% protein which is comparable to the duck food and the chicken layer we are using now. They all get offered oyster shell and grit so can anyone see any reason not to use this? After doing some reading about layer food I am too worried about the high calcium and effects on their kidneys.
Great, yes that is perfect.

Starter (un-medicated) is very much an all-flock feed. I used to do grower, but I still had to feed starter to my chicks, so I just stick to starter.
I'm sorry, 20 weeks (or earlier depending on size) is when I switch them to layer.
I have chickens that are up to four years old, I don't keep them much past their best production years.
Us old people also need calcium, (the birds and I don't drink Alcohol)..........same as an old chicken or duck.
Birds draw calcium from their bones when there is not enough in their diet when making eggs.
Seems important to get a jump on osteoporosis.
Thank you for your info
Peace......I'm out
I'm sorry, 20 weeks (or earlier depending on size) is when I switch them to layer.
I have chickens that are up to four years old, I don't keep them much past their best production years.
Us old people also need calcium, (the birds and I don't drink Alcohol)..........same as an old chicken or duck.
Birds draw calcium from their bones when there is not enough in their diet when making eggs.
Seems important to get a jump on osteoporosis.
Thank you for your info
Peace......I'm out
Yes when making eggs. But roosters don't make eggs.
Hey everyone :) Chick season is on it's way and we are hatching like crazy! How is everyone else doing with breeding season starting up?
Oh wow! My first thought was "wow, he is a hunk"! Then I got to the baby pictures and was all like "squeeee"! They are soooo adorable, I can hardly stand it! I have my first poultry association meeting tonight and I am SO EXCITED!

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