Canadians check in here....

I'll try to find his contact info for you tomorrow okay? He's a really nice man but like me he's going to konk out this time of night.

perfect. Thanks!!
Hey there,
I am originally from Powassan! Cool! I am headed North the first week of July. I have a few friends that breed really nice polish and buff orps. I can put you in contact and if it works out I will deliver for you!
Hey.... I have lots of relatives in Powassan!! Debbie Sharpe Wuilleme is my cousin... and Lyle is her husband. My uncle/aunt and all 3 girls moved there when they were kids! We are all so old now, LOL. Do you know them by any chance?? I think Debbie worked in a grocery store in/near Powassan.
I live in the "worst place to live" in canada if u follow some silly magazine review of communities. To my family it's the most amazing place to live and as of a few months ago we are allowed 4 chickens in town no roosters lol so we went and got 4 red rock chicks!! As we r first timers any info and helpful suggestions would be greatly appreciated thank you :)

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