Canadians check in here....

Hello I"m from the North Okanagan BC and I don't have any chickens yet, but I'm waiting for 30 hatching eggs from Quebec partridge and white Chanteclers

I'm sure i'll have lots more questions in the next couple weeks

Welcome crysmom, chanteclers, wow, Canada's chicken.
This is the best place ever for all your questions and answers. Good luck with your hatching....
Let me know how you got eggs shipped from Quebec??
Chickee's Mom :

Welcome crysmom, chanteclers, wow, Canada's chicken.
This is the best place ever for all your questions and answers. Good luck with your hatching....
Let me know how you got eggs shipped from Quebec??

the eggs are coming express post says it takes 3 days to get here. the fellow was quite straight forward and said to expect a 30-50% hatch rate so i'm crossing my fingers

i'll be very sad if nothing hatches​
Just thought I would say hi as this is my first post. I live in southern Manitoba and I am finally being allowed by my wife to get some chickens. Note Daisy_dukers is my dog, my name is steve.

To make a long story short I will be moving into my new house in about 7 days and it is sitting on 80 acres so I have plenty of room for chickens now.

I have plenty of questions as I will be starting from scratch,ie building a coop (I am thinking an 8x8 shed type building with an attached and fenced run of 12x12x6.

I may have even sourced a local for 12 week old chicks. I am hoping for a total of 6 Egg laying Hens as an end result.

Any Tips....
Welome Daisy_Dukers.
Sounds like you have the right idea, I would make your shed and run so that you could add on to it.
There are lots of web sites with chicken info. Find out what kind of chics this fellow is selling. Can I email you with some info??
Canada has some great sites for all your info.

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