Canadians check in here....

Am actually picking up 2 Americauna chicks today and my other 5 tomorrow.

Is there a trick to know if I'm picking a male or female?
Am actually picking up 2 Americauna chicks today and my other 5 tomorrow.

Is there a trick to know if I'm picking a male or female?

Hello Uncertainty :)
I have 3 Dark Brahmas, 2 Buff Orpingtons, a Silkie mix and a Rhode Island Red. How about you?
So I picked up 3 chicks tonight

2 Americauna's and 1 black copper marans
Overly excited a little too
The temp in the container is 30 that OK?

It's close. Just watch them. If they seem to be trying to get away from the light they are too hot...if they peep a lot they are too hot or cold...if they pile up on top of each other they are too cold. It's best to let them tell you. Are your kids out of school for the summer?

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