Canadians check in here....

Merry Christmas from snowy Alberta
Trying something new. Read it on a local chicken facebook page. This lady increased her egg production by offering poultry supplement free will. She switched to grains as well but I am continuing with my layer feed. My chickens under a year are laying but the ones over 2 are not. Will keep everyone posted!!
Well I guess my 2 year olds are just plain lazy. Didn't work. Still no eggs from them. :confused:
I just recently saw an increase in egg production, but I had lots of influencing factors. For instance, the day after fixing-up some new nest boxes saw double the eggs :). Last year things really took off in February, and I've got almost twice the chickens this year so I'm hoping for big things!

My second year hens all went through a long molt, and most of the new chickens didn't get on board with laying until recently. October and November were brutal, only getting 1-2 from 17 hens.
I just recently saw an increase in egg production, but I had lots of influencing factors. For instance, the day after fixing-up some new nest boxes saw double the eggs :). Last year things really took off in February, and I've got almost twice the chickens this year so I'm hoping for big things!

My second year hens all went through a long molt, and most of the new chickens didn't get on board with laying until recently. October and November were brutal, only getting 1-2 from 17 hens.
I have 3 nests for 7 hens and my Cochin hides in one nest box all the time. I have curtains too. How do I keep a picked on chicken out of the nest box? She doesn't lay either.
On one of the threads, a lady is needing to worm her chickens. I suggested Valbazen, but she's in Canada, and was not sure if she could get it there. What wormers do you use up there? Are you able to order things like Valbazen, and Safe Guard from Amazon?

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