Canadians check in here....

I have 3 nests for 7 hens and my Cochin hides in one nest box all the time. I have curtains too. How do I keep a picked on chicken out of the nest box? She doesn't lay either.

I actually have the same problem with my younger pullets and roos (poor butt feathers are getting yanked out by the others); my partner has been kicking them out at night. And of course you can try blocking access to the boxes at night. But if it's a day-time problem I'm not sure. I guess looking into integration issues to solve the "root" of the problem.
I tend to be a pretty hands-off flock owner so I don't have a lot of experience trouble shooting flock issues.
I just recently saw an increase in egg production, but I had lots of influencing factors. For instance, the day after fixing-up some new nest boxes saw double the eggs :). Last year things really took off in February, and I've got almost twice the chickens this year so I'm hoping for big things!

My second year hens all went through a long molt, and most of the new chickens didn't get on board with laying until recently. October and November were brutal, only getting 1-2 from 17 hens.
TREE!! How are you? Are you on mat leave now?
Hi! Don’t know how I missed this... Kris from the southern gulf islands of B.C. Here. We moved to my Husbands family farm in late 2017, and I’m new to chickens. We have 18 older layers in a semi-rescue state (I’m working on improving their conditions) and I have 25 chickens I have hatched/purchased myself. Looking at doing some meat birds soon, and are improving our layer flock. We are on 600 acres of sheep and beef farm that has been in his family since the 20’s, building a house and planning on working the farm until we aren’t able to anymore.
Does anyone have experience hatching chicks in January. They are currently living in my basement, when can I put them out in the barn? They are almost 2wks old now, I know they will probably be inside until 8 wks. How do I transition them? They are in a 5x6' ripped out bathroom currently, everything was ripped out by previous owners, about 3 inches of straw on the floor. Should I be waiting for last frost, like with plants View attachment 1647184 :p

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