Canadians check in here....

Holy smokes it's cold here in Alberta today. Absolutely terrible..:barnie
Here is a true story about feeding birds warm wet oatmeal. Lady I know fed her chickens warm oatmeal at bedtime in -30C weather. She woke up to Birds with crops frozen and had to thaw them out in her house. She lost a few too.
I hope everyone in this cold snap has great success and all the birds do great..:thumbsup
Holy smokes it's cold here in Alberta today. Absolutely terrible..:barnie
Here is a true story about feeding birds warm wet oatmeal. Lady I know fed her chickens warm oatmeal at bedtime in -30C weather. She woke up to Birds with crops frozen and had to thaw them out in her house. She lost a few too.
I hope everyone in this cold snap has great success and all the birds do great..:thumbsup
It is cold!!
We're supposed to break records on Tuesday, as well as being one of the coldest places on earth.
Do you heat for your ducks too?
I've only got muscovies and they seem to be hanging in there.
I'm mostly worried about my goats. This is my 1st winter with them.
My Ducks are heated too. My Goats are in a covered pen/Barn so they are doing good. They have an insulated dog house filled with straw. I bring them warm water 3 times a day. Plus feed goat food twice a day and free choice hay.
Anyone breed white chanteclers near Pembroke Ontario. I was going to buy some from performance poultry and they aren't producing any this year. Also looking for double silver laced barnevvelders and bourbon red turkeys.
Anyone breed white chanteclers near Pembroke Ontario. I was going to buy some from performance poultry and they aren't producing any this year. Also looking for double silver laced barnevvelders and bourbon red turkeys.
I know that there's a lady in Ontario named danielle Seguin that breeds chanteclers. . Foxfire heritage farm. She's in Powassan. 705-840-8598.

I breed them too. When it warms up, if you'd like, we can arrange shipping of hatching eggs or chicks.

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