Canadians check in here....

The legs are adjustable. As the chicks grow you raise the legs. To angle it just set 2 legs a notch or 2 higher than the other 2.
Great advise! Wish I’d thought of that last year when I got my first chicks! They were different sizes and some of them were stretching to reach the brooder plate and others were crouching, I would try to make mounds of shavings under the plate but they would scatter the shavings. This would have been a lifesaver.
Just curious has anyone found a reliable heated waterer? I have 2 styles the one with nipples freezes in the mildest temperatures the open trough style has been reliable all winter until today it froze over but for some reason the nipple one wasn’t frozen... ugh I don’t understand lol
Horizontal or vertical nipples? The vertical ones freeze really easily. The horizontal ones don't, as the water doesn't stay in the drip part. Premier 1 has a nice looking one. Alternatively, you could make your own. I've made 2 different styles. A PVC pipe with nipples all along it with heat tape running along the bottom. I put black gorilla tape over the heat tape so that the birds don't destroy the wire. The other style is a bucket with the nipples spaced all around. A small aquarium heater keeps the water from freezing.
20 Pack Chicken Nipples Waterer Automatic Water Drinker Horizontal Side Mount for Poultry Chicken Quail Duck (20)
Horizontal or vertical nipples? The vertical ones freeze really easily. The horizontal ones don't, as the water doesn't stay in the drip part. Premier 1 has a nice looking one. Alternatively, you could make your own. I've made 2 different styles. A PVC pipe with nipples all along it with heat tape running along the bottom. I put black gorilla tape over the heat tape so that the birds don't destroy the wire. The other style is a bucket with the nipples spaced all around. A small aquarium heater keeps the water from freezing.
20 Pack Chicken Nipples Waterer Automatic Water Drinker Horizontal Side Mount for Poultry Chicken Quail Duck (20)
It’s horizontal, it freezes around the outside and the center usually has open water... these two
That will be perfect! Did you order a cover? If you didn't, peel & stick contact paper is a godsend (I find it cheap @ thrift stores). Once you've done brooding them, just peel it off & you have a clean top again.
Correction....good for 20 chickens and I’m up to 15 lol. This Sucker was WAY too small....I sent it back. I ordered 5 Barnvelder. I may order the larger Brinsea but the largest is way too expensive.......and it does come with a cover.

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