Canadians check in here....

Hi, I am in DIxville Qc. I was wondering if Thomas had any blue laced red Wyandottes for sale, if so, how old are they, how much and of course what color are they?
they are chicks just ordered from the Usa . I picked up the chicks july 1.

I have 5 chicks and denis my buddy ordered 8.
If your interested in chicks .maybe later and ya cheap.. I have 1 red one One blueish little pattern and 3 nice ones . the nice ones,,,, I beleive look like a sebrights pattern I believe
Light blue with red centers
and fuffy soft , Ya i can pet these ..

when they have eggs you can have some chicks or eggs .
pick of litter type chick for $3 a chick.. the others that I donot like,, make me an offer

Also I be ordering in the spring . not sure.... but I like these birds .
they cost about $4 from the hatchery.

Around here we try to order together because of the $60 export paper.
I can always order more for others when I order chicks in 2010 if they sell them then.they mark each persons and you get what they marked for you .
We can order 300 total Day old chicks In a shipment .

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journey's end :

Am I the only one in the east coast? Wow. I'm in PEI and looking for Wyandottes and Sussex, anywhere in the maritimes,, but I guess I'll have to wait until I order them next spring.

No your not the only one in the maritimes and yes maybe . but drive around ..
I found all the breeders in my area and If I want some type of chicken they will buy me it for me from an auction .
well its a buy and trade ,,
Where I want to go to is 600 km away .hotel and alll the rest ...thats why we buy for the others,,
there are four of us that ended up working together.

How do we bid at the auction .. carefully not bidding against one another ..

thomas​'re not the only one from the Maritimes! There seems to be quite a few of us, actually. I'm from Nova Scotia. I got my Wyandottes and Speckled Sussex from Circle Pond Farm in Chester, NS, but I have a friend on PEI, who I think hatched a bunch of Wyandottes this year. I can ask her if she has any and get back to you.
journey's end :

That would be awesome. I'm stuck finding them since it's later in the season.

Sorry, I just heard back from my friend on PEI and she doesn't raise Wyandottes anymore. She had just hatched some for someone else and they are all gone. I may have Wyandottes of my own next year. I have 6 silver laced Wyandottes but don't know yet if I have all hens or roosters. :)
Well, I've just read all 59 pages of this thread! I see many Maritimers here...
I am not far from the Truro area, and not in the 'country', so will have to consider my neighbours. While I don't have any chickens now, when my children were young (25 years ago) we had hens and meat birds. The 'new' spouse of 16 years has never been around chickens, so I'll gradually let him in on the secret of our getting some next spring. I'm thinking of Marans or White Jersey Giant, and I think that 3 or 4 hens and a rooster will do.
Your hens may be worn out by those guys!
I answered your PM about sources, I think you'll be happiest getting them locally. I have hens only, I didn't want the coimplications of a rooster. Good exhibitions with poultry divisions this fall in Truro, and the 4-H provincial show has good poultry displays. Oh the the provincial poultry show of the purebred fanciers is usuall held in Truro.

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