Candled goose eggs day 7 What to look for????


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 14, 2009
I just candled my 2 sebastopol eggs for the first time today. This is day 7 for them. The inside wasn't all that clear due to the thick shell but there were a couple things inside that worried me. I'm worried that the yolk scrambled due to shipping because it takes up a huge area in the egg, dosnt have a circular shape and floats at the top of the egg when I turn it. Also I noticed the small dark embryo in the egg, but they could've had time to incubate before shipping. I shouldve candled the first day. :[ Not sure what to look for, anyone have any pictures at this stage. Heres what it look like...kind of

I have no idea what a goose egg is sapose to look like but , I think they take longer to hatch so you may not see as much in a good egg as a chicken egg at day seven.
Good luck . someone should come along soon who knows more then me.
I had two sebastopol eggs I bought off of ebay and on day 7 I could see veins in one and not in the other. I kept the other a few more days but it developed a blood ring and I threw it away. The other one has been developing and I can see the gosling moving.
I had candled an egg at about 5 days or so and it looked like that...the shell was so thick I never did get to see any veins but I knew it was developign because I waited more time and canlded and it was dancing around....still no veins visible might just be a very thick shell like mine was.

Last night the incubator was off for around 12 hours, so looks like the chances of one of the eggs hatching is next to nothing. After that, I replaced the batteries on my flashlight and recandled them and I could see clear veining in one and an embro in the middle. On the other there was no visible veining but what looked to be an embryo. I'll check them in a few days to see what happens but I'm not getting my hopes up.
Well, don't give up...wait a couple of days like you said and check again. My incubator was off for about 4 hours night before last (power outage) and I was scared that mine would die, but I've still got movement. Hoping it still hatches...

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