Candling help, now with more pics day 8!

The more you candle, the more you'll learn about what's good and what's not, but be careful not to candle too often, especially with shipped eggs! Their innards are fragile, and a lot of movement, turning, etc., can kill a developing embryo. I candle at day 6 or seven because I know a totally clear egg can be set aside. If it's questionable on day 6 or 7, I keep it--no harm in waiting. Do not candle at all between days 11 and 14, because the embryo is changing position. I candle again on day 14 and then one last time of day 17, just before lock down. And remember--as long as an egg doesn't smell, there's nothing lost by keeping an egg in the incubator. I'd rather do that than toss a living chick by mistake. ;-). Good luck with your hatch--there is NOTHING as thrilling as watching those babies hatch!
Ok . I am going to wait for few more days. There is some issue with my breeding stock. They have not produced any fertile eggs yet.

Had incubated eight of them earlier no chicks hatched. I checked them what's inside at day 25 so there was just smelly yolk no blood nothing. I got disappointed .
Thanks, just set up their nursery.. Brooder very excited and definitely sure everyone around me is sick if hearing about it

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