candling question

its a homemade incubater and i wanted to see if i could keep everything stable with an egg in. I would rather waste one egg than lots. Im a noob when it comes to incubating lol, but i do know what to look for when candling my sister-in-law showed me what to look for when we candled her eggs, but i dont have her to help me this time lol .
I don't have the answer for you as I am a newbie at incubating also. I have been told by the very knowledgable
people on here to wait until day 10. That day will be on sunday for me!
But I just want to
! The greatest site and nicest people!!
Ok, I hate to be the thunderstorm over your picnic here, but I want you to know that hatching one chick is not a great idea. Chickens are flock animals and they NEED another chick with them to survive. If you are home full time and can make this a house chicken, it will follow you everywhere and be very needy. Lone chicks left on their own usually don't survive.

Do you have another few eggs you can put in there?
Lone chicks tend to do poorly, unless they are raised by a broody. Even then they end up weird. Always playing World of Warcraft, bad skin, never moving out of their momma's basement....
Or you can buy a chick if it hatches! It would be hard to say if it was the incubator or the egg. Lots of variables = that's what makes chicken math so wonderful!

I think it also depends on how dark the shell is. The lighter the egg, the easier it is for me.

Good luck!

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