candling THEN shipped?


In the Brooder
Feb 20, 2016
I purchased 6 eggs for my mother for mothers day, the seller used a flashlight and confirmed, or "candled" two days previous. Now, she is CONVINCED, there is no way to candle...confirm life, and then ship days later, seeming they arrived cold (as expected ). Is there truth to this?
He collects 6 fresh eggs,and  took a flashlight to them to ensure their are "fertile"

It's not possible to determine fertility on fresh eggs by candling... They need to be incubated for at minimum 24-72 hours, generally 48+ hours before you can determine fertility by candling...

2 days later I get the 6 eggs, cold, and she immediately puts in incubator. Now it has been two weeks today, she candled them and says their are 2 at the moment. Then she says "How can he see if their fertile, they cant be candled THEN shipped in a cold box, arrive at our house, and survive

Not sure what you are getting at, eggs are shipped cold, there is no realistic way to start or continue incubation during shipment, they are shipped 'cold' before the incubation is started and they are in a sort of suspended animation for about 7-10 days... I'm not understanding the rest of the sentence about the quote or the context of it...


Sure... After 14 days of incubation it should be very obvious what ones are alive, you will clearly see moment and have huge 'shadows' when candling, and the air cell should have grown considerably...

And if he ships two days after they were laid, could he have a decent amount of time to see fertility occur?

Fertility occurs inside the hen at the very start of the egg formation in her, long before the shell is even formed... There is nothing to see once the egg pops out until it's either cracked open and the yolk inspected or it's incubated for 24-72 hours and you can candle and see the formation of veins and blood...

AND if we can hatch 1 at least...would this be considered  miracle? or is this strenuous procedure logically possible>

Shipped eggs are always hit and miss, it all depends on how fresh they were, how they were handled, how they were packaged, what they were exposed to while being shipping or what they were exposed to anytime between laying and incubation, and how much time elapsed between laying and incubation starting... IMO I always factor in 33-50% hatch rate on shipped eggs, but there are sometimes when I have had zero hatch and other times I have had over 90% hatch, you just never know...
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I purchased 6 eggs for my mother for mothers day, the seller used a flashlight and confirmed, or "candled" two days previous. Now, she is CONVINCED, there is no way to candle...confirm life, and then ship days later, seeming they arrived cold (as expected ). Is there truth to this?
I'm kinda confused what you are talking about. What were they candling if they were fresh eggs?? You can' tell fertility (in an unincubated egg) by candling. Are they preincubating them?
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Got eggs off ebay, but lets forget THAT fact though and get to the info.

He collects 6 fresh eggs,and took a flashlight to them to ensure their are "fertile"

2 days later I get the 6 eggs, cold, and she immediately puts in incubator. Now it has been two weeks today, she candled them and says their are 2 at the moment. Then she says "How can he see if their fertile, they cant be candled THEN shipped in a cold box, arrive at our house, and survive

So, what is the facts bout this?
I dontknow any other way to word it.


And if he ships two days after they were laid, could he have a decent amount of time to see fertility occur?

AND if we can hatch 1 at least...would this be considered miracle? or is this strenuous procedure logically possible>
Got eggs off ebay, but lets forget THAT fact though and get to the info.

He collects 6 fresh eggs,and took a flashlight to them to ensure their are "fertile"

2 days later I get the 6 eggs, cold, and she immediately puts in incubator. Now it has been two weeks today, she candled them and says their are 2 at the moment. Then she says "How can he see if their fertile, they cant be candled THEN shipped in a cold box, arrive at our house, and survive

So, what is the facts bout this?
I dontknow any other way to word it.


And if he ships two days after they were laid, could he have a decent amount of time to see fertility occur?

AND if we can hatch 1 at least...would this be considered miracle? or is this strenuous procedure logically possible>
You can't collect eggs and candle for fertility. The only way that you can candle for fertility is if they were incubated and they show development, then you know that they were fertile because they are developing. BUT that does not mean that an egg that does not develope wasn't fertile either. The only way to know if an egg is or is not fertile without incubating is if you crack them open and look for the blastoderm.

As for shipping, yes, you can collect eggs and ship them. Shipped eggs have a much lower expected hatch rate than local eggs because of the rough handling they go through during the shipping. I just hatched 12 silkie eggs that were shipped to me. If he collects two days of eggs and ships them and they arrive within 3 days the eggs are only 5 days and still pretty fresh for shipping. How many will survive will depend on how rough of a journey they had and how much damage was done to the air cell and egg itself. As well as incubation methods. As for the question "could he have decent amount of time to see fertility occur" fertility occures before the egg was laid, but you can't "see" fertility inside the egg of an unincubated egg.
If you wouldn't mind, here is where I got them.
'6 Purebred First Prize Winninh Ayam Cemani Hatching Eggs. These are not Hybrid, Selectively Culled for Standard Conformence. All Organic Diet with fresh Fruit & Vegetables Daily.
Fertility Verified too assure Maximum Hatching Rates. Breeders from GreenFire Farm, & Smithsonian Genetics. SHOW QUALITY Birds!!! New Ebay seller but a long time breeder. Incubator is Full Gorgeous chicks Hatching and the Girls are still laying Dont Miss Out...'

Fertility verified is that he has verified by either checking a sampling of eggs by cracking them open and or by his own incubation. I myself show 100% fertility through the eggs I sample by cracking and by the fact that the last three incubations I have done has shown 100% development. But, with that being said, you can not guarentee that each and every egg is and you can not verify any individual egg is by candling an unincubated egg.

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