Candling video - day 10 - am I correct in what I'm seeing?


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Sep 25, 2007
This is a day 10 candling video...sorry, it's a bit blurry - hard to hold the camera and turn the egg at the same time.

I candled egg #1 first, then egg #2, and then egg #1 again.

Egg #1 looks clear...I had a hard time seeing the air cell. Why? Is it possible it IS developing, just not very quickly?

Egg #2 looks good to me. It sure seems like an awful big this due to the veining/blood supply in the yolk?

Thanks for your feedback!
Egg one looks infertile

Egg two has a good air cell on the fat end, however, it's hard to see any egg two dark in color?
I had trouble seeing any veining as sell. Egg #2 is blue, but not dark. It has a very thick shell is the only thing I can think of. I did see a little solid black "blob" in it, but did not see the little blob move or anything.
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I agree egg #1 looks infertile. I would give it a few days and check #2 again. I tried to candle my dark brown eggs at day 7 and could not tell. I just did it again last night on day 10 and was much easier to see the movement. I still can't see much veining. I have read that green eggs are even harder than brown.
Good luck!
Thanks, Needtohatch - I don't mind leaving them in ther'es a possibility they will develop, but I've heard too many stories about eggs exploding, and I sure don't want that to happen!

I apprecaite the feedback!

I'll re-candle these two eggs at day 14 and post an updated video to see if there is any change.
The second egg looks very good, the first one is a dud if they are both 10 days old, crack it open and look to see if it was fertile or not or check for other signs, it is a good learning experience and you can learn to tell in future when you candle what is good and what is bad.
i thought that they only get that dark the last few days...I only have 3 days left and I can still see through part o fthe egg...(not air cell..thats separate)...could it be bad?
carinlyn, I'd just wait for hatch date. At day 18, they should look completely "full" exept for the air cell.
Well I have goose eggs so it's not until day 32 they they can hatch...sometimes a bit earlier...I was just saying that since mine is about as close to hatch date as hers I can still see through a small fraction of the egg (not the air cell) which helps me see if they are moving or not...It's only like 1/2 an inch I can see though (keep in mind...goose egg)...
OH, I'm sorry - shame on me for assuming you had chicken eggs incubating!
I bet they're just fine, though!

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