Cannibalism ?

Yes, we actually feed the beef and pork scraps to the dogs, and the chicken scraps to the chickens because of the chicken bones splintering so easily. A friend of mine lost a very fine boxer dog to perforated bowels from chicken bones. Very sad. But one of the funniest things I ever saw, was my fat hen, Ziva, running away with a fried chicken wing, while the rest of the flock chased her. Talk about irony!!!
raw chicken bones are fine for dogs, it is just cartlidge, but will splinter when cooked.
between the chickens and the dog(75 # lab mix) i rarely have any leftovers
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Hmmm...glad the chicken bones haven't hurt your dogs, I've just heard and seen too many horror stories of dogs eating chicken bones, I would not feed them to my dogs on purpose...
Actually, I'm a bit neurotic where my dogs are concerned,I don't let them have real bones of any kind:rolleyes:
I feed raw meat to my big dogs (Not the Chi's) 3 or 4 times a week. We get short dated meat from the local grocery and we feed our culls to the dogs, I just semi-pluck and quarter them, they get any cracked or dirty eggs too.
I do soft scramble unsold eggs about one a week with minced garlic and any fresh herbs I happen to have. I cool and cut it into large chunks and either put in the treat pans for the chickens or to the dogs, nothing goes to waste. When we butcher, I feed the heads, feet, etc to the dogs and the innards to the chickens, they are a riot to watch fighting over ropes of gut.

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