Canning and Home preserving

I thought I had worded my post differently. I certainly am not criticizing anyone that tries to stick with the one-year rule!

Sorry, I was being facetious. We are certainly going to eat those jellies and jams even though they are more than a year old! I'm sure they are fine though they may have passed their "best if used by" date. ;)
Hi all :frow I just got a dehydrator for Christmas, and am really looking forward to trying a variety of fruits, veggies and meats over the next few months. It's American manufacture (Excalibur), so all the guidelines are in the measures y'all use...
I grew up with imperial measures (before we went decimal over here in 71) but I have a rusty memory/sneaking suspicion that your version of imperial measures and our version of imperial measures are not always quite the same :hmm :th :barnie. Thank goodness for your everso practical notion of 'cups', and the fact that I have one small measuring jug that gives a cup and its subdivisions as well as those of litres and pints!
I am also interested in historic methods of preserving; if you are too, this book on the subject is fascinating
Hi Perris... Welcome if I haven't welcomed you previously. I have a couple of Weck Jars I am very interested in Jarring up some Cranberry tomato sauce in them. Going to give the Book a look as well.

I just shared a way to preserve eggs a couple of pages back. Using Water Glass Method. which has been used Several hundred years...

I was wondering if that was the 'cure' @BullChick. Thanks.

When you pickle your eggs, do the yolks come out 'chalky?' We have a friend who is trying to create the 'perfect' pickled egg and keeps coming up with chalky yolks.
Just pickling, I have not had chalky yolks.
Sorry, I was being facetious. We are certainly going to eat those jellies and jams even though they are more than a year old! I'm sure they are fine though they may have passed their "best if used by" date. ;)
It was actually just re-reading what I posted that made me clarify. I hate the idea of sticking my foot in my mouth. Especially if I’ve been barefooted around the coops. :gig
you could pressure can coffee. Just brew up some Cold brew and have at it. I dont know how long it would take though.
:caf:caf:caf X 10. :lol: Probably as long as it takes me to pull them out of the water bath because “it is just the right temperature!” “Ooh! Now it’s right!”
This is an awesome video. Reminds me of when I first started canning. I canned anything and everything I could get my hands on because I wanted to learn. Learning is great, but we never even ate 1/4 of what I canned. I wasted so much money on all of that stuff, so now 3-4 years later guess who needs to follow her first advice and clean out my pantry :oops: Every winter I tell myself I am going to get it done an never do. I have off Monday so I am going to make this a priority. While embarrassing I will take a pic of all the jars to share as an example to all of you just starting out canning on how not to do it :th
There is a great Video series put out by the Regulars on Youtube who collaborate. They get a group together and show their pantrys and talk about foods that they regularly can and foods that they would NEVER can again. Each one has different dislikes and likes, and why. Its very interesting.

For what its worth the one year mark is a suggestion by the manufacturer of the lids. They have since come out with 18 month lids. that being said as long as the jars are sealed the food is safe to eat.

But here is the deal... After eighteen months or even a year the food begins to loose nutritional value as well as flavor. Same goes for Store bought canned goods. If kept in a cool dry pantry they are good for many months after the expiration date. but they loose flavor after a certain point and nutritional value.

I researched the canned goods when i was considering doing a long term pantry for the lean times. Personally I would like to see the food in the jars to make that determination. Though I will keep canned goods on the shelf.

I read somewhere that the 'best if used by' rule originated with metal cans in mind. They said that some canned items in metal cans such as tomatoes and products using tomatoes such as spaghetti sauces, etc, will start to leach chemicals out of the cans after a certain date. I would think that wouldn't hold with home canned produce or meat where we are sterilizing the jars and using 'safe' lids in the canning process or even the freezing process where the act of freezing itself is going to kill a lot of bacteria.

What's funny is that the local Amish have what they call the 'Bent and Dint' store nearby where you can go in and buy slightly outdated products that have been pulled from the store shelves and resold for fast sale. Something one year past the 'good if used by date' probably no problem there. I've bought stuff like boxed cereals, etc that are expired and they are just fine.

It's just the Food and Drug's fingers in the pot sort of thing, which yeah, it's for our own safety thing but does involve a LOT of waste.
BTW. Have any of you heard of brine canning pickles? The neighbor gave me a quart of what looked like dill slices for hamburgers. I was thrilled until I opened them and discovered that they were simply brine canned and VERY salty not to mention vinegary. No flavor at all over and above the 'salt'.

Is there any way to salvage them? Or are they a lost cause?
I'd soak them in fresh water drain then chop for relish... They would be great in Tarter sauce Add some chopped onion and mayo....

If you like dill pickles you could soak and add a bit of vinegar and dill and refrigerate.
Experiment. Keep the jar as is and use the pickles as you need them.

Refrigerate the jar when you open it of course

I love making pickled jalapeño quail eggs. What I don’t know is, can I actually pressure can them?
Probably not the pickle process is great for Water bath canning. if you want a milder Jalapeno You could roast them before putting in the eggs... Oh man my mouth is watering and my stomach is screaming NO NO...


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