Canning and Home preserving

That could be, because bear is a very lean meat.

Seems like those who had it or know someone who has say it was greasy. That's strange as I have never had greasy bear before. I wonder if it has anything to do with what type of bear or where the bear came from?
I thing R2elk said it. Removing the fat.

I'd like to try doing that...if we could ever nail a deer during hunting season. This year I saw 4 big fat does but I managed to bump them on the way to my stand and they bolted into thick timber with no chance of a clean shot.

We also have CWD here so deer have to be tested in our county but other than that, no reason why we couldn't process our own meat.

Our neighbors process their own meat so maybe if we get a deer this next hunting season, I'll ask them to help us butcher.
We hunt with our son, my sis-in-law and her husband and two nephews. We also process our deer together. The guys skin, cut off front and rear quarters, and get tenderloins and chops. SIL and I cut roasts out of the quarters, then whoever is available trims burger meat off the lower legs, ribcage and neck. We bone out and get as much meat off each carcass as we can. Roasts and chops are vacuum sealed. We also grind and bag our own burger.

The rings do loosen a bit when processing. And The Tattlers need to be tightened down when they come out of the canner.

So that's what the "canning wrench" I saw the other day would likely be used for?
We hunt with our son, my sis-in-law and her husband and two nephews. We also process our deer together. The guys skin, cut off front and rear quarters, and get tenderloins and chops. SIL and I cut roasts out of the quarters, then whoever is available trims burger meat off the lower legs, ribcage and neck. We bone out and get as much meat off each carcass as we can. Roasts and chops are vacuum sealed. We also grind and bag our own burger.

So that's what the "canning wrench" I saw the other day would likely be used for?
Its a tool to put a specific amount of torque on the jar rings. The one you saw probably was from 2leelou creates... who is a Certified Master food Preserver.

Finger tight is good... I am not buying a 14 dollar wrench... I did buy some Gloves for handling hot things... When you fill the jars they are often times very hot... unless you raw pack meat... So I wanted a way to hold the jar for tightening.

The Household Searchlight Recipe Book

Pickled Pig's Feet

4 pig's feet
2 tsp whole cloves
1 bay leaf
4 cups vinegar
1 tbsp salt
1 onion
1/2 tsp pepper

Wash and scrape pig's feet. Boil until meat will slip from bone. Drain. Place meat in bowl. Combine vinegar, cloves, salt, pepper, bay leaf and onion. Boil 30 minutes. Add two cups broth in which the pig's feet were cooked. Strain. Pour over pig's feet. Let stand 3 days before using.
I just use potholders.
Ah but you got man hands... :lau I used to have a good grip... but I opted for thin gloves made of silicone... They are a bit bulky and long sleeved so I am planning on some surgery on them. All i need is a ring to drop over the jar for tightening...

The glove part will still work for pot handling I prefer not to buy a single use tool if I can get away with it.

Ah but you got man hands... :lau I used to have a good grip... but I opted for thin gloves made of silicone... They are a bit bulky and long sleeved so I am planning on some surgery on them. All i need is a ring to drop over the jar for tightening...

The glove part will still work for pot handling I prefer not to buy a single use tool if I can get away with it.

I got an opener like this when it was on sale at Menard's for $1.00 Man hands or not, old arthritic hands cannot do what they used to be able to do.
The Household Searchlight Recipe Book

Pickled Pig's Feet

4 pig's feet
2 tsp whole cloves
1 bay leaf
4 cups vinegar
1 tbsp salt
1 onion
1/2 tsp pepper

Wash and scrape pig's feet. Boil until meat will slip from bone. Drain. Place meat in bowl. Combine vinegar, cloves, salt, pepper, bay leaf and onion. Boil 30 minutes. Add two cups broth in which the pig's feet were cooked. Strain. Pour over pig's feet. Let stand 3 days before using.
Oh Yumm... Sounds very similar to the recipe I found for canning them. I like the bones in... They give off so much gelatin with all that vinegar.

I may try this recipe as well as the jarred up recipe... Ooo I just scored a 1939 copy on amazon....

Hope its still in there.

Oh Yumm... Sounds very similar to the recipe I found for canning them. I like the bones in... They give off so much gelatin with all that vinegar.

I may try this recipe as well as the jarred up recipe... Ooo I just scored a 1939 copy on amazon....

Hope its still in there.

I got the 1935 issue because that is the one that my paternal grandmother had. I was able to borrow the original from a niece and scanned the pages that had been written on.

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