Canning and Home preserving

Great Christmas score @Ninjasquirrel! Have fun with the new canner.

I wouldn't mind having a small 5 pint type of pressure cooker for cooking the tough out of some beef roasts. I wouldn't be able to use it on my cooktop electric range but maybe on a propane camp stove..... my brain is churning.....
Expiration dates don't mean a whole lot to me either. But even in a cool pantry things can go rancid after to many years. The stuff I canned and the pre boxed foods were between 5 and 9 years old. So I just wasn't willing to trust that. On the plus note though I have a clean slate to start canning things we will eat. :ya
At least the jars are salvageable Washed and sterilized In a water bath canner Even the rings. They represent a considerable investment. and the plus side the newer lids have a longer shelf life.

Happy New year
View attachment 1987403

Oh yay! I just figured out how to access my album, so thanks! This is the book that contains the recipe. But SOMEWHERE in this thread, in the first few pages, is the actual recipe. My phone doesn't let me c&p links (very sad face!) But it shouldn't be too hard to find. Good luck, and, as cmom says, have fun! :frow

Bought the book, and made the bread today. My DH went crazy over it! Guess I'm going to be having a bucket of bread dough in the fridge from now on. Thanks to everyone for sharing this treasure!
Okay posted every where but here so I am using tri tip cut very thin, you can use chicken. New recipe to me BF showed it to me first posted 2015 on Bon Appetit website
Use any meat with it cut thin
Basic Bulgogi oriental
1/4 pear, grated
1 garlic clove, grated
2 tbsp soy
1 tbsp red pepper flakes ot hot red pepper
1 tbsp grated pealed ginger
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp toasted sesame seed oil
2 tbsp vegetable oil divided
Kosher salt
sliced scallions for serving
add all but salt and vegetable oil to bag to marinate the meat 30 minutes up tp 8 hours
in large skillet start with 1 tbsp oil get hot add 1/2 of the meat salt and cook till crisp turning often. Put cooked meat on platter cook rest of the meat with salt in oil like the first.
serve with scallions sliced
Okay posted every where but here so I am using tri tip cut very thin, you can use chicken. New recipe to me BF showed it to me first posted 2015 on Bon Appetit website
Use any meat with it cut thin
Basic Bulgogi oriental
1/4 pear, grated
1 garlic clove, grated
2 tbsp soy
1 tbsp red pepper flakes ot hot red pepper
1 tbsp grated pealed ginger
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp toasted sesame seed oil
2 tbsp vegetable oil divided
Kosher salt
sliced scallions for serving
add all but salt and vegetable oil to bag to marinate the meat 30 minutes up tp 8 hours
in large skillet start with 1 tbsp oil get hot add 1/2 of the meat salt and cook till crisp turning often. Put cooked meat on platter cook rest of the meat with salt in oil like the first.
serve with scallions sliced
Looks yummy....

Dog food from any meat source I never used feet or beaks

but chickens whole no skin is best but pressure cook the chicken you are able to include the bone, same with much of the fish and bison or beef or Rabbit is great

20 lb Brown Rice or
10 Boxes Potatoes any and all varieties
this is the best if you do not want to use a ton of supplements
Hey Penny On your dog food recipe you didnt give the amount of meat... or protien as in pounds... for the recipe.

I will need that in order to scale it down for my doggos...

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And for what its worth Papaya is pretty easy to get here. Got one here that is a small one and it weighs about five or six pounds...

Also dried Papaya seeds can be used in place of black pepper...

And also any pepper that is hot has leaves and stems that can be eaten... they are supposed to be a bit sweet but have to be cooked first.

Read up on which ones because Bell pepper leaves are not edible...


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