Cannot upload images on mobile?

I read somewhere that uploading images using the built-in browser (as opposed to Chrome or Firefox or what-have-you) is generally the solution. Since I switched to using my native browser (Galaxy S4 Mini) for uploading photos instead of Firefox (which is what I prefer by miles and miles), I have no problems uploading, though the actual image doesn't show until after I post. If I've accidently uploaded an image twice, or missed one that I was planning on, I just go back and edit. It can be a bit of a pain, though, because I can only upload one at a time. is a pain...I have to use the desktop version on my mobile to upload any pics or to start a thread...this is really frustrating because it takes soooo loooong for the desktop version to load and even longer to use any of the features once its loaded...I would love to have the same accessibility to this site on mobile as those who use a pc...if there's any way to make this happen it would be very helpful to a lot of people......maybe more of the "mobile lurkers" would actually enjoy the ability to participate on the site and sign up ;)
Hey everyone, thanks for your patience as we work through this! Here is the report from one of our engineers:

So, we need to know the following information:

  1. Are you using a supported device and supported browser on your device?
  2. If YES to the above, which device and browser and versions?
  3. What are the exact steps you are taking to upload the image?
  4. What exactly happens after your last step? Nothing? Do you get an error? We need as many details as possible.
I'm using a blackberry 9310 curve with version 7.1.0 browser...I don't know any more details than this...I can click on the photo link, browse my photos, select an image, click it, and then I get a message saying "embedding image" but after the wheel stops spinning I see no photo I missing a step somewhere? Sorry to be such a pain about this but I'm no programmer...just an old country boy from the sticks...the technical side of how this all works I leave up to y'all lol! :)
Ok thanks for this thread. Nokia Lumia 530, ie8, can select and upload image but it doesn't stick. Does this mean if I download chrome to my phone it might work?
I much prefer to use my desktop and photos from my camera because the images are much better, but every now and then you want a quick fix you know?
1. On an older device so don't know if it is supported. However I was able to upload photos the first time I tried to. Later that day (June 5) when I was trying to post again with multiple images it would only let me embed one, took multiply tries to embed the second and it put it in the middle of the code for the first, so I gave up. Tried again on the 7th, same issue. Now it will not give the code, will try the work around mentioned in this thread.
2. Motorola Photon, Android 2.3.5, system browser
3. Click the image link botton, selection box to select from device or to add url: click to upload from device. Gives choice of where frim phone, click gallery, then click on image. Gives secondary box about not posting copyrighted or offensive images, click submit. Embedding Image screen appears, then it flashes back to the thread input screen without embedding the code.
4. No error is given
I was unable to change our upload an avatar image so just switched to develop on the same device (HTC my9) and have tried to attach a picture here of my system versions let's see if that works fingers crossed.

Tried switching to desktop on my phone, it was not compatible. Also the long click to bring up options when clicking on the submit button did not work on my phone either. The long click on links in websites does work on my phone, don't know why it did not work on the button. I don't have high-speed internet unless I'm on my mobile. Tried uploading using my dial-up connection at home, it didn't work. As the image was uploading after 15 minutes the bar dropped back to the beginning.

Could this problem be an issue of server overload, since it was intermittent to begin with?

Please let us know when it has been resolved, thanks.
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