Can't find all the eggs under my broody! day 10 pics


9 Years
Feb 3, 2010
Southern California
i started my broody on the 8/16 with 6 eggs hatched the same day. i added 3 more on 8/17. i accidentally picked one up(and it broke) it looked like it was developing.

i should have 8 left, but yesterday i could only find 7 and today only 6!!!

What could be happening to them? they are marked. i haven't seprated the broody(s) from the rest of the flock. it is day 10/21 could they be messing with them??

first candle on day 10 - i have no clue what to look for but it looked way different than an egg layed today....


If one egg broke so easily in your hands, it is possible that the others are weak as well, and may be breaking under the weight of the hen. They do actually lay right on the eggs, and a soft shell will give out after a while. When it happens, either the hen, or some other hen will often clean up the mess.

Did you notice her feathers were sticky, or any mess on the bedding?

Good Luck..
no messy feathers....and the egg didn't break easily. it was in the egg basket, my little girl noticed it.....she brought it to show me and she dropped it....i've started candeling all my eggs just in case they are wearing off the markings.
the same thing happened to my broody silkie she had 7 fertile eggs under her then one day she had 6 under her, I don't know what happened but all the other 6 eggs are fine and are still under her. The same thing happened to my white broody silkie she had 8 eggs under her she kicked most of them out of the nest and acidently broke one so she ate it. All the eggs she kicked out weren't fertile. I guess mother hen knows when there not fertile or when theres something wrong with the egg.
This happened to me also with my Gold Brahma hen during brooding. She was isolated,so I know it was her that ate the contents of one of her eggs about day 7. There were bits of shell in her nest. She went on to hatch 5 chicks and left alone an infertile egg.
I think that most hens will eat eggs they have broken, though most do not actively peck the eggs themselves.
You will also fine that soft shelled eggs get promptly mopped up.
I do not think that there is a need to worry, she is likely to go on to hatch the rest.

Good Luck,

My broody ate 2 eggs she was setting on, I gathered she knew they were bad uns or no goers...... im sure she will do fine with the rest of the clutch... good luck for your hatch

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