cant see through the eggs!


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 22, 2014
Hi this is my first time incubating. I am having trouble seeing through the eggs, i have 11 jersey giant eggs and the smaller, paler coloured ones are fine to look through but the bigger darker or speckled ones i cannot see in to save the life of me ! I have a VERY powerful led light and even that wont shine through...any ideas??
Stupid question, but are you candling them in a dark enough room? Also, it's normal for dark/speckled eggs to be hard to look through, as the light has trouble reaching the other side. It might help if you wrap your fingers around the bottom of the egg, so the light travels through the egg, and only the egg...
I did it at night there was no other source of light, just couldnt see through them. Will try putting my hands round, thank you :)
Also, how far into incubation are the eggs? If they are more than about half way, I'd say what you're seeing is normal and the ones you can see through are "clears" (infertile or otherwise not developing chicks), and the ones you can't see through have a developed chick in there blocking the light.

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