Can't you smell that smell???

I have had a few different fungi around this year that i have NEVER seen before... I just looked up the dead man's fingers - aptly named by the way! - I'd say no because we have nothing but hard pack (very similar to cement after it is down for a while) under the coop and woodshed - but i have seen fungi growing in the oddest places this year - even DRY places! The ones i saw online were black and would be hard to see, easy to miss..... We have raked out under there and are going to do it again today....
will let ya'll know if we find anything interesting.....
Well... raked again, took out ALL of the shavings and started from scratch again... Still a slight smell.... The temps are cooler so maybe that is cutting down on the smell.... I hope to find it prior to snow...
You have a lovely coop and run. I think it would be worth the extra expense to roof the run, even a small amount of wet manure can be odiferous. Not ruling out a dead thing underneath or nearby though...and bracket fungus can smell like a rotting corpse...could be on a tree nearby
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We had an awful smell in our community hall for many months. At first we thought it was a dead rodent in the walls, but the smell didn't go away. After much delay, the source of the smell was found to be a problem with the washrooms vent stack. The stack needed to be augered (plumbers) to clear a path for venting. I don't know what plugged it, perhaps a bird tried to build a nest, or perhaps it was a fungus growth.

I can certainly understand how aggravating the smell must be! I've been there! Finding the source was really hard because the smell didn't seem to be coming from the washrooms area.

Good luck with finding the source, and check out your bathroom vent to see if it could be plugged or cracked.
Thank you

I'd think it was that except that the smell was there weeks prior to us having the chickens in the coop or run... it might be adding to it... we are going to be putting on a roof - I hope - before winter.... The encouragement for hubby is "do you want to shovel out the run in the winter???" Motivation - it is all about motivation
oh my that sounds awful.... no bathroom vent in the coop though... It will probably just drive me crazy until i find it and lately - that is a short drive
Thank you for sharing
I am thinking about that drying stuff others mentioned for horse stalls - If i am remembering correctly - the smelll started prior to the chickens moving in... if it were a dead something - it should be done by now, unless it is large and underground - we have hardpack under the entire woodshed and coop... maybe we hardpacked something in there......
I will need a product like this for spring i think... i'm not sure how that is going to be - will find out though

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