Cardboard Box?

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The Silkie will eventually start jumping out of the box. If you don't want to lose him/her, put a chicken wire or hardware-cloth top on the box. Do not just fold the lid down.

What state do you live in ?
Of course your bird will talk to it's buddy in the mirror. And it will be comforted knowing it's no longer alone. It will not understand that it's only a reflection and not real. It's real to Corn and will make him happier since he's used to being with another bird. Whenever I have an only chick with no buddy I put in a mirror and it's much happier.
I live in Gerogia. My sister made like a top part out of cardboard that is removable and it's too high for him to jump.
Hi -
Do you have any space in your yard where you could make a small coop and enclosed run for your little chick? As it grows, it will need room to roam and peck and scratch in order to really be healthy, both physically and emotionally. I agree with the others as well that you may want to consider getting a buddy. Chickens are naturally social critters, and your little guy is probably lonely. I'll bet he can't wait for you to get home from school to play with him!
Are you feeeding your chick food that is specially formulated for growing chicks? I would reccommend that as well. His food needs will change as he gets older according to his breed, and what you intend to do with him (pet, show bird, breeder, etc.). Also, one of the posts mentioned something about eating cockroaches - just a warning: if you are spraying or using pesticides in your home, chickens can easily die from eating poisoned bugs. My friend's sister lost her favorite Buff Orpie rooster that way.
Have fun!
I feed him uncooked rice, fruits, and some of our dinner which would be a little cooked rice and maybe some broclli and sometimes beans.
Would your mother let you get some regular chicken food? Those other thing are good for him/her but it really should have regular chicken food to go with them. Those things should be used as treats.
Ask your dad.

Poultry feed comes in 50 lb bags, and it would go bad before he could ever eat it all. However, most feed stores will sell you a small amount by the pound. He really needs chick feed for the balanced nutrients. At about 20 weeks switch to adult chicken feed.
The chicken will probably out grow that box soon, is there a way you can make the chicken an outdoor pen for the day? Also it may be happier to have a friend...if not, as said before...mirrors are good:p..chickens are social animals.
as for the food, it really needs regular chicken food...anything else is a treat.
Also it may get bored in a box....light, some sort of toy, shavings to peck through..anything to keep the chicken entertained.

REALLY cute chicken BTW! I love silkies!
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