**Casey Anthony Verdict In ..**

My dh and I are analytical chemists. I like to watch CSI and he is annoyed all the time when he watches it. It cracks me up when they go into the lab and get their magical results in minutes! Those shows are definitely NOT realistic!
Not true. If you follow Forensic Files, 48 Hours Hard Evidence, Solved Skeleton Stories and other programs of that ilk you will occasionally find cases profiled that went to trial and convictions made without any of that. When all there is to work with are skeletal remains, it is not always possible to determine with certainty the exact time, place, and cause of death. Of course in Caylee's case with the duct tape over her mouth and nose one might conclude that she would have had a little trouble breathing.....

Now I will definitely shut up.

Bolding is mine - that you follow those TV SHOWS is the whole problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But this is the whole problem. TV shows do NOT give a realistic picture of our judicial system - they are ENTERTAINMENT.

YES, I WATCH ALL OF THEM - and they ALL - give an extremely distorted picture of our judicial system.

Those jurors aren't hiding because they gave a 'bad call and they know it' - they're hiding because they KNOW that the public's concept of the judicial system comes from cra* like 'Forensic Files' and 'Solved', THAT'S WHY.

While the programs I mentioned are entertainment they shouldn't be totally discounted for that reason. They do profile real cases and you can look up them up yourself if you are so inclined. A few hours in the public library should do it. The only reason I mentioned them was to point out that while the time, manner, cause of death and place of death are great, they are not absolutely positively essential. Cases have been solved and convictions made without them. Probably not often but it isn't all that rare either. Once one of the programs, I forget which one, profiled a case that had occurred in my home town in the very area I lived and grew up in. While I had moved away by the time this particular case happened, a few phone calls to former neighbors confirmed the accuracy of the portrayal.

Just a comment. There have been three murders in my area that I personally know about, two of them involving children, where the identity of the victim, the time, place, manner, and cause of death are all known, but that have never gone to trial and in all probability never will. Why? Because there is either no or insufficient evidence to charge anyone or perhaps even identify the perpetrator. In other words, whodunnit is unknown. In the Anthony case the opposite is true. Not much doubt about whodunnit. Some question about when and where.

Where is that dead horse smiley? I need it.

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