**Casey Anthony Verdict In ..**

Prosecutors blew it. I think everyone knows Casey did it, even her parents, everyone. I don't get how you can have internet searches on murder methods and a child missing for over a month and not reporting it and still get acquitted but whatever, I wasn't in the jury box.

The worst part of this whole thing is, she will get a book deal, probably several. If there's ever a dollar to be made people seem to throw the whole morality and ethics piece out the window to satisfy their greed. A couple books and a made for TV movie later and Casey Anthony will be a millionaire, more than ten times as much money as I have. She killed her kid, I can't even kill my meat chickens. Life isn't fair but what can ya do?
Can different charges now be brought? If the child really did drown, and Casey knew it, would she be charged with concealing the incident and such? I do not believe that accidental drowning causes decapitation, and as the skull was found separated from the body, I suspect abuse of the corpse may have taken place. Merely deciding that she didn't kill the girl doesn't nearly begin to wrap this up.
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You cannot try someone twice for the same act. That's double jepar...however it's spelled.

Unless someone can claim something was wrong with the trial - which every legal guy I've talked to so far, says no. The judge was EXTREMELY determined that nothing would be done incorrectly.

My own feeling is that the 3 of them made their beds and now they get to lay in them. Lifelong. I think Casey Anthony will have another kid but I don't think she'll live at home again, unless whoever orchestrated this is satisfied that she did as she was told to do.

I also do not think the Prosecution 'blew it'. I think that is a viciously unfair, cruel and just totally rotten thing to say - they are people too.

And also, I think it is not true.


It was not their fault. This is how these 'bare bones' cases ARE - there just is no quality evidence TO BE HAD.
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The statement being bandied about that there was not enough evidence to convict is simply not true. Sometimes a presumption of guilt must be reached because there is no other explanation of events.

1. Casey Anthony never did declare Caylee missing. Her mother did that. She called the cops after getting the runaround from Casey about Caylee's absence. Casey kept making statements to her that did not make sense. Only when she was backed into a corner did she come up with the tale about Caylee being left with a babysitter. A babysitter, by the way, who was a real person. A single mother with several children of her own. She just never worked as a nanny or babysitter for Casey or anyone else. When the cops came Casey took them on a wild goose chase but could not find the alleged babysitter's residence. At least one of the apartments Casey took the cops to had not been lived in for months. The cops finally did track the alleged babysitter down. They turned this woman's life upside down and inside out before coming to the conclusion that she had had nothing whatever to do with Caylee or her disappearance.

2. The car smelled like death and there were traces of hair and decomposition in the trunk

3. Incriminating computer history

4. Incriminating statements made by Casey to visitors while she was incarcerated

5. The tale about Caylee drowning Casey got from a fellow inmate. This woman had lost her child in a swimming pool accident. She was in jail on unrelated charges. And by the way, when she found her kid in the pool she called 911.

6. The duct tape found over Caylee's nose and mouth. There is no good reason for the duct tape to be there except for malicious intent.

These are just a few things off the top of my head. I followed the trial carefully and I never saw any credible evidence presented that would exonerate Casey. None. Her attorney just threw shovelfuls of manure at the wall until enough of it stuck. The jury ignored the ample evidence of guilt and bought the smoke and mirrors presented by the defense. Doesn't say much for them.
Wow! You right on, weren't you
She also threw in that her father molested her during her childhood years and he put the tape over the babies mouth because Casey panicked when she drowned and her father helped her hide the babies body.

I don't believe this happened at all, it's just another one of her sick tricks. I think she done it, and I have always thought so. Sure wish I could have been on that Jury Trial!

It's all very sad, this little girl lost her life for no reason whatsoever, and the killer will be set free to what? Have another child and when that child becomes a burden in her life, she will do away with it also.
I also do not think the Prosecution 'blew it'. I think that is a viciously unfair, cruel and just totally rotten thing to say - they are people too.

You're being awfully dramatic don't you think? How you got that we are cruel and rotten people who don't view prosecutors as people because we felt they failed to do their job is beyond me. Sensationalism. We all make mistakes, and it looks like the prosecution made mistakes too, theirs were just big mistakes. The lead prosecutor in the whole trial retired as a prosecutor after he failed to get a conviction in this case.. if that isn't evidence of failure I don't know what else is.​
I'm not being dramatic at all, I'm being TRUTHFUL. The people who are blaming the prosecution are the ones who are being dramatic and sensationalist.

How can they 'do their job' when the evidence does not exist?

OK, your job is to build a bridge. Here's your lumber and concrete (points to empty area on the ground), and hands you a bunch of post it notes, a ruler, and a tube of caulk. What? You didn't build the bridge? But I gave you all that caulk, and a ruler, and those WONDERFUL post it notes!

YOU DIDN'T DO YOUR JOB!!!! That's EXACTLY what happened here.

How CAN you when you have absolutely nothing to work with.

Unlike Nancy Grace, the lawyers and judge can't strut around and pretend all that NOTHING was 'evidence of a murder'. THEY have to follow the law. All Nancy Grace has holding her back is her 'sense of decency and ethics', which....well....tell me, WHO was not surprised at this verdict, and who was?

The person who was 'shocked', if they have ANY training as a lawyer, they are playing games with you. For their own reasons.

NONE OF IT PROVED ANYTHING. No time of death, no location of death, nothing to put any of them at the unknown time and location of the death - a whole lot of nothing.

And if all the above list is such a GREAT BUNCH OF EVIDENCE, WHY WASN'T SHE CONVICTED OF MURDER? If it's all such grand and marvelous evidence, WHY WAS SHE NOT FOUND GUILTY?

Does ANYONE think the judge wanted to set her free? Or the prosecution? My god, they were practically in tears. They have all been working their tail off.

And I think they knew all along that this was going to happen, they just had to keep on and just hope something would break. I wouldn't give up if I had been them. It's their job to prosecute the case as best they possibly can.

Look, I am sure that all the authorities were trying like MAD to get one of those three to roll over for the others, but they just could NOT. I am VERY sure they tried. And I'm sure a big part of it is George ANthony's police background - he knows the tricks.

You really BELIEVE that the defense did such a hot job and so won? Pulled a rabbit out of their hat? They did nothing. They did not NEED to do anything. WHY? Because there was no evidence for the things that MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

That 'smell of death', that was just plain old nonsense.

Can't you guys see when you're being taken for a ride? You've been GETTING taken for a ride for 3 years!

You really believe the prosecution messed something up? WHAT? What did they mess up? There was nothing TO mess up!

WHY WASN"T SHE CONVICTED? Because it actually ISN'T SUCH GREAT EVIDENCE, and all the Nancy Graces strutting around saying it WAS, were taking you all for a ride for one reason - greed. Lucre. The filthy dollar. Somolians. That's the bottom line. Those morons went around making everyone believe that this was such a GOOD CASE. AND THEY WERE WRONG, AND THEY LIED TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC.

What is the time and date of death.

What places Casey Anthony at the scene of the murder? Nothing. In large part, because the time and date, as well as the location of the murder, is UNKNOWN.
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Smells like death in the trunk
Chloroform in the trunk
Caylee's hair found in the trunk, DNA matched it, with the expert saying something about the roots that would mean the person was dead. (google it, foggy on the specifics)
Internet searches on murder methods
31 days partying when your child was missing
Telling 100 different lies to the police about your child's whereabouts when your child is missing
Rare brand of duct tape found in the Anthony's home that matched the duct tape on Caylee's mouth.

Yeah, that's a lot of circumstantial evidence, but people are convicted of crimes with circumstantial evidence every day. I wasn't on the jury but I don't know how in the world they would see that evidence and not think guilty. The mom said she searched for chlorophyll because her dog was sleepy? Yeah, that's the first thing I think about when my dog gets tired. Nobody else had a motive to kill Caylee, and if they did, why would nobody report Caylee missing? She's guilty as sin but she's going to walk out of jail tomorrow.
Did the police check Casey's car when the mother said it smelt like a dead body had been in there?

I think Casey was drugging Caylee so she could go out partying and accidently overdosed her. Maybe she didn't mean to kill her, but she did and then panicked and dumped the body.
We will never know what truely happened and that poor little girl had to suffer because of it all.

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