Cat killed one of my hens last night! GRR!

Well two nights ago something tryed to get another chicken. But thankfully didn't kill it! Her neck is just kinda bloodly and ruffled up. And last night I wasn't here, just my mom and two younger siblings. So this morning I go to check on the chickens and open the door and we had a cinderblock by the door so they couldn't stick their heads threw and they must have nocked it over and one of them got smooshed!
My mom said she heard fluttering but didn't open door.
So far I've lost 2 hens! And of course NO Roosters!!!
Just have to ask this. You are in Texas I see. How hot is it in the chicken coop? Do you have any ventilation in there, or maybe even a fan for them?? They may not be roosting because of the heat, especially if the roost sits higher up (heat rises) so it would be hotter up there for them. First thing you need to do is FIX THE DOOR! The predator is going to try his best, so should you. It is up to you to protect your chickens, the cat/skunk/or coon is just doing his job...
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

There are a number of predators that will, but yes, skunk is on that list. You need to have a fine enough mesh to the wire that the birds cannot stick their heads out. Line the bottom couple of feel with small-opening wire or plywood.

Cats are unlikely to eat chickens unless starving, and then mainly the body. My cats are scared of, or perhaps I should say, have a healthy respect for, my chickens.

Our cats are starving ...
You see my problem is that all my 3 - 4 month old chickens huddle up right by the door at night and that's how they go to sleep! They have a roost and everything, but don't use it. I put some grown chickens in there to hopefully teach them how to roost - but so far they haven't caught on.
We're going to set the trap tonight by the pen. If we don't caught anything then we'll set it up by the house and try to catch the cats the "Boom Boom" Bye Bye Kitty Cats!​

Sorry.. its not the cats fault...
The cats are just trying to survive...
How do you like it when you are very hungry?? Dosent feel good does it?? Thats how the cats feel...
I feel bad for the cats...
Please take better care of them..its your responsibility...
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Yes, we put a barrel in front of the door and that blocks up the hole. I was going to go put all the chicks on the roost tonight but we got so busy I forgot, again.
The roost is pretty low to the ground so they can get air at night.
Instead of shooting the cats, how about dropping them off at the local humane society???
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

There are a number of predators that will, but yes, skunk is on that list. You need to have a fine enough mesh to the wire that the birds cannot stick their heads out. Line the bottom couple of feel with small-opening wire or plywood.

Cats are unlikely to eat chickens unless starving, and then mainly the body. My cats are scared of, or perhaps I should say, have a healthy respect for, my chickens.

Our cats are starving ...
You see my problem is that all my 3 - 4 month old chickens huddle up right by the door at night and that's how they go to sleep! They have a roost and everything, but don't use it. I put some grown chickens in there to hopefully teach them how to roost - but so far they haven't caught on.
We're going to set the trap tonight by the pen. If we don't caught anything then we'll set it up by the house and try to catch the cats the "Boom Boom" Bye Bye Kitty Cats!​
Why can't you buy a latch or make one to better secure the door? Seems irresponsible to just put a barrel or a brick in front of it and hope that it works. And then "forget" to put them away... It sounds like you deeply care for them, but you need to take the proper steps to ensure to their safety as well.

And it's not the poor cats fault they are trying to survive. If they are not your cats and they are wild then they are considered feral. You have cats because people are not responsible and don't SPAY AND NEUTER their pets. It is a HUGE nationwide problem. PLEASE take them to the humane society where they will be humanely put to sleep instead of suffering somewhere with bullets in them... They are living creature too.
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I bet a racoon pulled your chickie's head through the wire...THAT is what racoons do!

Cats just do not kill like that. They will stalk and kill IF they were to even do that. I have 14 outdoor cats and NONE of them has ever hurt any of my chickens. They will look at a baby but another look at the mamma and that is that. A cat would have to be mighty hungry to kill a chicken and I don't believe it could pull it's head through wire. Racoons have the hands to do this and they do it well.

Why don't you put your young chickens in a safer place????? until you can make a safer place.
Our cats are starving ...
You see my problem is that all my 3 - 4 month old chickens huddle up right by the door at night and that's how they go to sleep! They have a roost and everything, but don't use it. I put some grown chickens in there to hopefully teach them how to roost - but so far they haven't caught on.
We're going to set the trap tonight by the pen. If we don't caught anything then we'll set it up by the house and try to catch the cats the "Boom Boom" Bye Bye Kitty Cats!

I think shooting them is kinder. I go to humane society's, got several pets there over the years. I adopt from there because the conditions are deplorable. I know I would hate to be stuck in cage, never let out, in a bldg. that smells like poo all day long. THey are disgusting places. The humane society is not humane to me and is nothing better than a chicken in a battery farm. IMHO
Our cats are starving ...
You see my problem is that all my 3 - 4 month old chickens huddle up right by the door at night and that's how they go to sleep! They have a roost and everything, but don't use it. I put some grown chickens in there to hopefully teach them how to roost - but so far they haven't caught on.
We're going to set the trap tonight by the pen. If we don't caught anything then we'll set it up by the house and try to catch the cats the "Boom Boom" Bye Bye Kitty Cats!

Sorry.. its not the cats fault...
The cats are just trying to survive...
How do you like it when you are very hungry?? Dosent feel good does it?? Thats how the cats feel...
I feel bad for the cats...
Please take better care of them..its your responsibility...

Redhen she said the cats are wild...didn't she? That's what I read. If their wild they are not HER responsibilty at all. IF the cats are feral, well shooting them is Mrs. Fluffly Puffy's way of protecting her chickens. WHy is it if a coon or skunk gets a chicken, it's ok to shoot them but if a cat does they need to go to the humane society, In essence, you are saying cats are more valuable than other animals. That has never made sense to me. People assign more human traits to cats and dogs and they are animals too. When I hear, how do you feel if your hungry, comparing them to us. Well, then how would you feel being trapped, taken to a small cage in a so called "humane society" that never lets you see the light of day again and then kills you. If you were a cat would you rather be caged, forced medical care and then put to sleep or would you rather left outside with a fighting chance? It's ridiculous to compare animal feelings to our own. They are not human, and have you ever considered maybe they are happy being cats!
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