Cat knocked incubator over!! HELP PLEASE!?!?!? **PICS ADDED**


15 Years
Jun 6, 2009
St Pauls, NC
I am very upset right now... I had two different batches of eggs in the incubator (forced air hova bator).. One batch (from my own girls) is on day 16 and the others (lav orps that were shipped) are on day 4.. I had them in a confined room until about a week ago but because it was getting to almost 100 degrees in the room, the temp inside the incubator was getting to 106.. I moved the bator into the corner of the living room and the cats seemed to be leaving it alone... Well, this morning I got my son on the bus and went to go turn the eggs and found the cat had knocked it down!!!!
It had luckily gotten caught between the big box it was sitting on and the stereo cabinet so it didn't hit the floor, nor did any of the eggs.. However, all of the eggs crashed on top of each other.. Out of 3 dozen eggs, One was so badly damaged that the top came off and the 16 day old baby died.. Two were on day 4 and were oozing... I had several that were crushed and dented but the membrane was completely intact and then I had a good handful that were just slightly cracked! I could not see the 4 day old veins yet but ALL 20 remaining 16 day old eggs were alive!!! I quickly got a candle and started putting a thin layer on the cracked eggs.. There were a few I had to put a little more on because they were dented and there were even a few that has small pieces of shell missing completely but again, the membrane was still completely intact..
WHAT are their chances of survival?!?! I'm not sure how long it was like that but because the bator was wedged, there was still heat in it. It was only open about 1 1/2".. I have a girl that has gone broody on me and I was planning on giving her the lav eggs and shutting the bator down for the summer but it looks like I will need to keep it going (hopefully) until the waxed eggs hatch..
Trying to make myself feel better, I texted my husband and told him that i just put more wax on the eggs than was on a birthday cake!! Needless to say, I cried my eyes out anyway!

Please tell me they still have a chance!

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I think you still have a chance! I've incubated cracked eggs before and they hatched! Sorry your cat knocked it off though... good luck!
I've hatched cracked eggs before too but never had a dented one that I had to patch up and never had them fall.. I'm not so worried about the cracks as i am about the damage caused by falling..

I haven't had this experience but I have heard that you can seal it with a bit of wax. All you can do is discard the ones that are too far gone and keep on going with the others. Lots of luck to you.
I've hatched cracked eggs before too but never had a dented one that I had to patch up and never had them fall.. I'm not so worried about the cracks as i am about the damage caused by falling..


I have a dented leghorn egg that was dented and cracked in shipping. I put it in the bator and thought I'd give it a chance. Well todays hatchday and it had a live moving chick in it at lockdown... so maybe I'll have a chick soon
I was hoping to hear that! The other concern that i have is that they are on day 4.. I know a lot of major organs are forming right now.. Am I going to have a bunch "special needs" chicks? ugh!

I just want to say that Mother Nature is a Beautiful woman!! I just opened the incubator and put the flashlight up to the three worst eggs that are due to hatch on Sunday and I was AMAZED to see then bouncing around in the egg like nothing had ever happened!!! Here is what it looks like in there.. You will see how bad it really was/is.... The dozen carton on the right and the single egg right next to it are my LO's on day 4.. The 18 ct and 12 ct cartons on the left and top middle middle are on day 16...






Thank you so much! They go into lockdown tomorrow night.. *IF* they hatch, they will probably hatch much quicker than normal since hey won't have to work as hard.. The shells are already broken for them.. lol... (trying to keep a good outlook on things here
).. Good luck on your hatch also!

Well my cracked egg hatched a beautiful leghorn chick. But one of my BCMs hatched with its intestines still out...sigh... I doubt it will make it. Poor little chicky.

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