Catching a chicken.... HOW???????

I was running around like a maniac with a butterfly net chasing a chicken that just wouldn't go back into the chicken yard. If you come up with something better let me know. I have a feeling I look like a giant dork.
Chickens have more & better evasive moves than professional football players eluding tackles. I rarely try to catch them just like that.

Instead, I have them trained to come when they hear the sound of cracked corn rattling in a coffee can. Some will stand still while they eat so you can just pick them up then, or sneak up on them from behind. Others are still wary, although they'll come for the corn. With those I'll put some corn in a wire dog kennel. When they go in to eat I close the door. Then it's easier to reach in and grab them.

But if at all possible to wait until after dark, I will delay my chicken-grabbing until then, and simply pick them off their perches.
They are easy to train to come for takes time but you can get them eating out of your hand after a while...

I shake a cup full of scratch and call "chook - chook" and the little fuzz butts come a running...

My roo is the only one who doesnt trust me yet...I am still working on him...
the girls are easier...
Believe it or not, but my dog caught one for me. He didnt hurt it, just held it down on both wings. Pretty impressive for a dumb animal. Other than that, I used a fishing net or my brother.
My hubby herds/guides them with two long bamboo poles, held apart, and they just sort of funnel in through the gate/into the run, etc. But mine usually come when I call as well, because I have bribed them with treats. This does not work when they are already full, though!
Herding them with a pole is good, big fish nes are good, but this is the easiest. It's called bribery. When they associate your call with treats, you have it made.

Ain't it the truth!
There is nothing funnier than seeing one of my kids chasing after a chicken ... Actually, seeing Sergei running after turkeys is pretty darn hilarious! Our turkeys are about 12 lbs now and if you've never seen a turkey run, well, it's even funnier than watching a chicken run. If I'd have know birds were so much fun I would've skipped the dogs
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