'C'ats 'A're 'T'ruly 'S'pecial

Hey BYC folks!!! Just a few gals here who have an unconditional love and an indescribable passion for our cats!!! Our children. If any of you are just as cat crazy as us,we'd love to have you join! Let's all be feline freaks together and brag on our lil lover dovers! Hope to see some interesting stories soon!! Fun,laughter,those lil ways they anger us and with the flick of the tail,and a sweet meow they draw us back in and in love we fall,all over again. Even the sad and painful time when we've dealt with sickness and tragedy. It's all welcome here. God bless!!!
We were having a discussion on the August Hatch-a-long about whether or not the kitten in the photo was a bengal or not. I study cat breeds and I learned that in many areas, unresponsible bengal breeders will release cats that don't look enough like a bengal, which will introduce their genetics into the feral population. Sometimes I'm convinced our feral orphan kitten is part bengal, because he's big and he doesn't act like the other cats. He is so silly!
His name is Nym and he almost never wants to be petted or touched, but other times he begs to be cuddled. That's a cat for you. Lol.

Touching on another subjects we were talking about.
There are three types of tabbies: Mackerel (striped), Spotted and Classic (swirled)

Here is a classic tabby, a stray named Mesa

Cats are awesome!!!
We've never worked with rescue cats from the shelter (though we wanted to), but we have helped rescue cats for friends. After raising the orphan, Nym, I know how to bottle-feed a cat and want to try my hand at fostering orphaned kittens. In our area, there are just so many cats our shelter can't take them all in!

This is Pi, he was hit by a car but is too afraid to let anyone near him. Thankfully, he is healing pretty well. Its been a couple years and his right eye, right leg, and right ear all don't work. Some how he still manages to survive during the winters, traveling to town, ect. He comes to our place for some food and a warm place to rest, and I offer it. He still won't let me touch him, but he is slightly more tame then before.

Missy. I love this picture, because it fit her personality. She would not let me even close to her. We took her in because she had kittens and our friend wanted us to find them a home. They were too young to leave her yet, so we waited till they were old enough, then got her spayed and returned her to her owner. The most shocking thing? She actually let her owners pet her without looking like she wanted to eat him. Lol.

There are Missy's four kittens.

This is Mesa. He was a stray that adopted us. Very friendly, very handsome, but he fought with our cats and he ate our chickens, so we found him a shelter that had the room to take him. They said he was amazingly friendly, so I'm sure he found a wonderful home. We are allergic to cats, so he wasn't allowed in the house, but whenever we opened the door he would sneak in, dash as fast as he could to the kitchen, leap onto the counter, sliding and knocking things off, and start licking the butter.

These are our four cats, which are not rescues. The black one, however, is a stray that adopted us. We named him Black Cat (so clever, I know). He was nice, but again, we just didn't need a tom cat that liked fighting, so we found a shelter with room for him.

This is Orange Cat, yet ANOTHER tom cat that adopted us. And I haven't even shown you Chester, who was ANOTHER, as well as the father of one of our cats. Orange Cat use to be terrified of us, but he became tame enough that we caught him and got him fixed. However, he very nearly killed two of our cats by attacking them, and one of them was so terrified she wouldn't come to eat, so we found him another place to stay.

And this is Mandy (renamed Amber at her new home), the scariest cat of all! She may look all sweet and playful, but she is a vicious girl! My mother and a friend found her in a parking lot, begging for food, so they took her home. We wanted her to be friends with our porch cat, Genny (whom we had taken in from a friend who couldn't keep her any longer). Anyways, Mandy was so, so sweet towards people. But then you let her meet another cat, or even a dog, and she would go crazy. If you were holding a cat, she would try to leap into your arms to kill it. If you kept the cat indoors and her outdoors, she would try to sneak inside to kill it. Needless to say, the friend had lost their outdoor cat and since Mandy is so frightening, nothing would want to harm her, so they took her. She is very happy there, but just as scary!

We also had a cat we took in for a friend who needed him rehomed, his name was Barely, and he was a best friend for Genny. Unfortunately, he died of unknown causes. He was so sweet, and Genny I think misses him. When she is stressed she licks herself bald. She also misses Mesa.
Now Nym, she thinks he is so lame, even though Nym is in love with her. He likes to follow her and stare at her, and she hisses at him and growls. After all, she's over five times his age.

A little info on the cats we've had (okay, a lot).
This is me and my son,Austin Taylor. When I lived in Ca,he actually ran into my house as I opened the door. Crying. It was no hard decision at all. He was coming home with me. He was three months old. He just turned 11 in June. He is a brown mackerel tabby Maine Coon. And if you know anything about these special breeds,they're extremely affectionate,loyal,docile,compassionate and have a strong desire for companionship with their owner. He is truly my son. And he loves to walk on his leash,fetch and speak on command. Very very intelligent and very playful. He minds very well. Loves to cuddle up with me nightly and during the day,always kneading in my lap every x I sit down. Will also sleep in the bathroom sink and bathtub. He has a million nicknames but his main one is Dee Dee.

This is Sam Elliot. Yup like the actor. He found us at a thousand trails campground three years ago. Man was he pitiful. So so thin,malnourished and covered in fleas,ear mites and had worms. Austin did too but not nearly as bad. At the time we already had two boys. Austin and Drew. But we are true suckers. And animal lovers. Especially for cats!!! So I promised Sam I'd either find him a great home,or he'd come share ours. Well as you can see...... He turns 4 in Nov. and is a big ole needy nose belly cat! Tough on the outside and a mamas boy underneath it all. Loves to knead while suckling his blanket. I love his sweet disposition. It's so kitten like. It's humble. Precious. He also walks on his leash,fetches and stands up on his hind legs on command. He also has a million nicknames but goes mainly by the one of Belly. (Hence the big belly he's gained!)

Drew passed from a heart murmur at 4 years old in April 2013. It devastated us. As well as Austin. They were best friends. Sam was very comforting to Austin at that time. And now they are best buds. I have several pics of the two of them together snoozing ...as they usually do all day long!!!







This is our beloved Drew. He and Austin were brothers. Well not blood but they thought they were. He was also a brown mackerel tabby. He is truly missed. Buried here on our land. Down at the creek. He walked on a leash and fetched too. All of our boys are smart.

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