Caught my husband...


9 Years
May 12, 2010
Hudson, MA
talking to the eggs in the incubator!!
"here chickie chickie chickie"....... Ok I think he's hooked! I just set them in the bator last night. Could he possibly be more excited than me?
I wish my husband would get as excited as I do! Last night around 1:30 I woke up to peeping so I ran & checked the incubator and our first baby had hatched!! I was super excited so I woke him up to let him know. He called me crazy & told me to go back to sleep!
Although the first thing he did when he got up this morning was check out the chick.....

This is our first time hatching so I'm beyond happy that things are working out!
welcome to the family of BYC!!! Congrats on your first chick! I can't wait for mine, I notice that I've walked past the bator at least 5 time today & every time I stop to look in.....its gonna be a long 21 days!!
Thanks! I had my second hatch a couple hours ago so now we're waiting on 7 more! I've been looking in on them probably every 5 minutes & checking for action in any of the other eggs! They just all need to hatch so I can relax!
I actually have no idea!! My husband knew I wanted to start raising chickens so he got some eggs & an incubator from an Amish friend down the road! I don't think I've ever seen his chickens so I don't know what mine will be!

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