Cayenne pepper powder to cure worms - how hot????

Ya know why they eat chicken crap, doncha? To get the taste of their butt outta their mouth..........Pop

Now if he would have just told me that. I'll let him have at it next time I clean off the poop board.
Just my experience here--My grandpa used Cayenne in his birds, he swore on it. 50 years of raising chickens, never had worms that he knew of. Also used 1 T ACV (the real kind that is fermented) per gallon of water. Never had diseases, healthy chickens. I do the same and have had great luck. I do use DE to keep the flies down and throw a little in their feed now and then.
I do give them pumpkin and the seeds when I have one available too.

So far so good. I am hesitant to use meds unless I really need to...he never did in all the years he had birds so I hope I can be so lucky.
Just my experience here--My grandpa used Cayenne in his birds, he swore on it. 50 years of raising chickens, never had worms that he knew of. Also used 1 T ACV (the real kind that is fermented) per gallon of water. Never had diseases, healthy chickens. I do the same and have had great luck. I do use DE to keep the flies down and throw a little in their feed now and then.
I do give them pumpkin and the seeds when I have one available too.

So far so good. I am hesitant to use meds unless I really need to...he never did in all the years he had birds so I hope I can be so lucky.
I like that. I have used Safeguard periodically.
SAFE-GUARD works differently than other dewormers because of this active ingredient. It goes straight to the gut, killing the parasites where they live. Trusted for years as safe and effective1, SAFE-GUARD lives up to its name when it comes to deworming your animals.
I can do my own fecal flotations, I have tested and shown positive and treated herbally and retreated later and the next sample come out clear. To each there own, I was not telling anyone to go herbal but there are some that prefer to do so, just giving my 2 cents.

Hi 😁I realize this is a very old thread but, if you’re still a chicken keeper and still do your own fecal flotations/successfully treat herbally, I’d like very much if you could teach me about it.
Thank you, Margie
Hi 😁I realize this is a very old thread but, if you’re still a chicken keeper and still do your own fecal flotations/successfully treat herbally, I’d like very much if you could teach me about it.
Thank you, Margie
I'll repeat it because it's worth saying ..over and over and over.

If your birds have worms and you want to get rid of worms use a real dewormer that will work. Not these myths people pretend work.
I'll repeat it because it's worth saying ..over and over and over.

If your birds have worms and you want to get rid of worms use a real dewormer that will work. Not these myths people pretend work.
Thank you Dawg and Kiki. No, my birds don’t seem to have an overload of worms or any symptoms of any worms. Our oldest hen is almost 1yr old, and in reading I’m seeing that they should be wormed routinely (annually or bi-annually). Some say verify before treat but we don’t have a helpful vet nearby to run an inexpensive occasional fecal. Learning to perform our own float tests would be extremely helpful for this.? Secondly, REAL herbal preventative info would also help too. But no, as for treatment it does not seem believable to us that herbals will work. Similarly, in humans, many herbs are generally healthful and help to boost immune system behavior but cannot cure say… cancer.

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