Cedar Berries


Jun 25, 2016
Hello! I am not sure if this is the correct thread to be in, but I am wanting to know if chickens can eat cedar berries, the only good shade in my yard is under these and I was going to let my chicks out but wasnt sure since these berries have fallen all on the ground. Any help would be appreciated!
Hello! I am not sure if this is the correct thread to be in, but I am wanting to know if chickens can eat cedar berries, the only good shade in my yard is under these and I was going to let my chicks out but wasnt sure since these berries have fallen all on the ground. Any help would be appreciated!
Did you ever experiment with chickens/these berries? This looks like an eastern red cedar and supposedly the berries are not toxic. Running into the same (just got some chicks). Have this tree in yard as well..

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