celebrate a new coop!

Mrs. K

Crossing the Road
14 Years
Nov 12, 2009
western South Dakota
My son in law built me a very nice 6 x 8 x 5 ft on one side, 6 feet on the other coop! I can stand up in it! hurray! Good ventilation! Excellent!

It was installed yesterday, today I need to set up some nest boxes, and some roosts. Yesterday they peaked in and looked around, but I know they hate change, even a good change. I am sure they roosted in the old coop last night.

The plan is to take the old coop apart, but that might wait for nicer weather. If I get things set up today, then I will just block off the old coop.

I have enjoyed this hobby for years, and it is nice to have things the way I want them.

Mrs K
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Oh it is a tremendous gift to me. I paid for the supplies, but he built it just as I wanted. So clean, warm and dry in there. Now if I can just get the girls to try it out.
Oh it is a tremendous gift to me. I paid for the supplies, but he built it just as I wanted. So clean, warm and dry in there. Now if I can just get the girls to try it out.

As you say, chickens don't like change. You could encourage them to use the new coop by putting them in there for a couple of nights - thats what i usually do with newbies to the flock and they seem quite happy to go back there of their own accord after a couple of nights.

Good luck and congrats!


Wish we could see pics.

ETA:Maybe your daughter and/or son-in-law could help you figure out how to post pics?
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Congratulations on your new coop! It's great to have it tall enough to stand up in, that makes life with chickens so much easier.

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