Cell Phone Ettiquette (or lack thereof)...

I have a home based daycare, after these children being here at least 8 hrs...............Mom comes in the door to pick them up and she is talking on that blasted phone! Kids excited to see her, me trying to tell her about their day. After 3 days of this I posted a large sign on the front door.....Finish all cell phone conversations prior to entering! Sad situation.
Etiquette as in common sense rules of society for proper behavior - does that still exist? Cell phones are useful in some circumstances. Electronic devices can reinforce the "me" center of the universe concept, an insular way of life that demands ever increasing thumb activity to stir our brain chemical stew.

Some things just can't be ignored however. It drives me nuts when at a dinner party, someone answers their iphone that is positioned on the left side of the salad plate. Everyone knows that iphones go on the right side, Blackberrys on the left, Bluetooth earbuds are to be set to neutral shades and if you have a pay as you go phone -you have to take the call outside as no one has those anymore.
I also hate, hate, HATE seeing young kids with cell phones. Now I mean kids that are like 7-10 or heck even 13 or 14! I didn't get a cell phone until I was 17 and driving and when I needed a phone in certain situations, I borrowed my mom's and used it ONLY to call home. What is really sad is that if I didn't have a cell phone in certain situation, someone else around me always did.

I just don't understand why a 7-10 year old needs a cell phone. Who the heck are they texting?! And why do parents think its acceptable to allow their children to constantly text 24/7?

As an aside, there is this adorable little boy in our 4-H club. I over heard him talking about how he wants a cell phone and he keeps asking his mom for one (He is 9 and his older brother just got a phone). So I asked him "Why in the world do you need a phone? Who are you going to be calling?" So he thought for a moment and then said "Well....my mom...my brother...you". It was just too adorable. I really don't think his mom will get him a phone, but it just goes to show you that young kids don't have people to call and they don't need cell phones!
I know what you mean, I walked into a store and there is an 8? yr old standing, a phone rang and it was hers, I've told my kids if they want a phone they pay the bill, I told them its at least $50 a month, no more begging for a phone
My best mate is always using his Iphone, it drives me nuts when we go out to dinner, to movies or even just hanging out at home hes constantly checking it, or texting someone, or even worse when he is just playing games on it!
Yet if i text him to ask a quick question or something and he is at someone elses house or something i always get a text back ' can i hit u back later, im with whatshisname' ARGH
every time he pulls out his phone i just wanna grab the stupid thing and yell 'hold still while i beat u to death with this!'
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