Cell Phone Ettiquette (or lack thereof)...

This is one of my pet peeves. I don't do a lot of cell phone talking, but if I were, say in a restaurant or waiting room, even a public restroom, I would ask to return the call or immediately step out of the restaurant, etc.
I used to work in a deli in a grocery store. I hated when customers would be on their phones! I walked away from one once, and when she motioned me, with a glare, to come and help her, I said, very loudly and succinctly so the person to whom she was talking to could hear, "Oh, I just wanted to make sure you were done with your conversation first." Of course, you say something like that with a smile, and they can't help but feel sheepish. She quickly said, "I have to go." and hung up. It was a "so what did you think of XXXXX's dress? Wasn't it ugly?" type of conversation.

The other one that gets me is in church during services. Come on! Turn the dang thing off! Also in church, are remote starters for cars. A lot of them beep. There is nothing more annoying than hearing that beep during the last hymn. Can't you wait until announcements are over? Yeah, your car may not warm up to the point you would like it, but dang! Maybe take a little more time to talk to people on your way out.

The other place for cell phones that really gets me: theatres. Not movies, but plays. We don't get out to the movies very often, but we do save up to go see a good play every now and then. I feel bad for everyone in that circumstance. But I cannot help but feel smug as an usher comes down and escorts the person out... Or if it's a high school show, I just plainly feel bad for the kids. There is usually an announcement before the play to turn off everything that could make a noise.

When we directed plays, we used to take out our cell phones for distraction rehearsal and make them ring and would mimic a crying baby, etc. Heck, one time we really went over the top and moved around the set while the rehearsal was going on. But still, I don't know if every director just does that as a matter of course.

edited for gross negligence in grammar. Good grief! I'm supposedly an English teacher.
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Uh, the WORST, and I mean WORST place is in a public bathroom. Yeah, I'm happy you feel confident enough to pee with your companion basically in the same room, but what about the rest of us? Seriously, it's like peeing in front of an audience.
Not to imagine the germs on the cellphone when they go to the bathroom.

I got a few pet peeves about cellphone users. My sis and mom was so bad about using cellphones and everytime I would come down to visit, their cell would go off and they would talk. So I decided to leave and go downstairs to talk to my father LOL!

They stopped doing that now because of the hints of people were giving them "you are rude" type of looks LOL!
I hate when you are with a person ANYWHERE and they are texting on the phone when they are supposed to be with you. If I am important, then at least spend your time with me and not the people on the other end of your phone. I hate that! I once invited a friend to a dinner/dance and the whole time he was texting. Made me feel pretty crummy!

The worst was tonight though. I was on an ambulance call and one of my partners had her phone on a ledge in the ambulance. When we were with the patient and the medics, her phone started ringing so obnoxiously you couldn't hear anyone else talking. She also had this obnoxious tone for text messages and it kept going off in her pocket. Why can't people turn off the darn cell phones when they are trying to be professionals?!
I dunno. The last "professional" that I talked to was drunk as a skunk.

I delivered pizza to this guy on a Saturday morning, and he opened the door and said "let me put down my beer, I been drinkin whiskey since 4am" and I just said somethin polite about how it must be nice way to spend a Saturday, I had to work so no whiskey for me, and his response? "Well I'm a professional" -- I assume he mean that he got to work banker's hours and be off on regular weekends. It came out sounding REALLY dumb!! Especially when he almost dropped his pizza!!

....Professional-smessional, hmp, big whoop, that don't impress me much!
I agree... talking to YOUR mom/sis/BF while using the loo is one thing... you've made the group pilgrimage to the loo together, shared a single bathroom growing up, etc. having someone else's hubby hear you tinkle is another ball of wax altogether.

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