Chances of fertilization?

Chicks Galore3

Artistic Bird Nut
11 Years
Dec 16, 2011
My bantam SS went broody again and I am wanting to hatch out some orpingtons. I have one buff hen, and I put her in a pen with my lavender rooster. I'm not sure if he has ever mated with her; He tries, but she runs to the porch and hops up. (He has deformed toes and so he can't follow.) I put them in a small pen together tonight, hoping that he'll mate with her now that she can't run way. He did show interest, but didn't try and mate. Is it safe to assume that he will have mated with her by morning and she'll lay fertile eggs?
If you want to check that the eggs are fertile after they've been together a few days, crack one open. A fertilized egg will have a blastoderm on the yolk - a white post that looks like a bullseye. An infertile egg has a blastodisc, which is just a solid white spot.
I've thought about doing that....but, the catch is, the hen is 4 years old and lays very occaisonally - any eggs I get from her I'm going to want to hatch, not crack open! But I suppose I might have to.
Well, the other option is to just start gathering them up and stick them all under the broody. In three or four days you can candle them and tell if they're fertile or not that way, and then you don't have to waste them :)
My bantam SS went broody again and I am wanting to hatch out some orpingtons. I have one buff hen, and I put her in a pen with my lavender rooster. I'm not sure if he has ever mated with her; He tries, but she runs to the porch and hops up. (He has deformed toes and so he can't follow.) I put them in a small pen together tonight, hoping that he'll mate with her now that she can't run way. He did show interest, but didn't try and mate. Is it safe to assume that he will have mated with her by morning and she'll lay fertile eggs?

I would give them several days together to have a better chance. You can take an egg after a few days and have it for breakfast and check it for fertility when you break it open. Orpingtons generally aren't the best layers.
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