~~Changed World~~

Name: Harmony
Last Name: Rain
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Winged

Personality: Energetic, friendly, the opposite of shy
Rank: skeptic
Likes: playing violin, daydreaming about everyone in the same society, and flying with the wind on her wings
Dislikes: People who dislike her, thinking about what MindFang might mean, everyone not being equally important to the society
History: Used to be all for the society the way it was, but as she aged she began to hate it.



Sorry, I've been away for a while
Name: James
Last Name: Herne
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Horned
Appearance: See picture
Personality: Constantly worrisome, cautious, but will take risks if they need to be taken. Out of the blue, he will make a joke, and they tend to pretty funny. Or puny. Either one works. Once you get to know him, he's actually quite kind and thoughtful. Will lash out violently and loudly speak his mind if pushed too far.
Rank: Supporter
Likes: Quiet, Woods, deserted places, really like ruins, reading, and building.
Dislikes: inequality, laziness, prideful, loudness, disrespect, fighting, and people insulting each other.
History: Grew up in The City of Strough, and absolutely hated it with a burning passion. Eventually he just.. Left.
Other: Dualscar, because I can.
Username: Dragapacacorn
Name: James
Last Name: Herne
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Horned
Appearance: See picture
Personality: Constantly worrisome, cautious, but will take risks if they need to be taken. Out of the blue, he will make a joke, and they tend to pretty funny. Or puny. Either one works. Once you get to know him, he's actually quite kind and thoughtful. Will lash out violently and loudly speak his mind if pushed too far.
Rank: Supporter
Likes: Quiet, Woods, deserted places, really like ruins, reading, and building.
Dislikes: inequality, laziness, prideful, loudness, disrespect, fighting, and people insulting each other.
History: Grew up in The City of Strough, and absolutely hated it with a burning passion. Eventually he just.. Left.
Other: Dualscar, because I can.
Username: Dragapacacorn

Hey guys,mIm going to be restating this soon, it will be improved, I'm going to be adding some more kinds of humans ((thats a fun sentence)) more cities, some abandoned, some ghost towns, maybe even a map of the land. So, when I make the thread I'm going to ping everyone who has posted here previously, as for anyone who sees this and wishes to join, please wait until I restart this RP, thank you!

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