changes in feed for extreme winter hens.


8 Years
Oct 18, 2016
n. maine
im in n.Maine and it gets wicked cold here. its been a few years (like 20) since I've kept chickens through the winter. used to just give them their layer feed and call it good. would it be better to give them high protein feed for the extra energy and some oyster shells just for winter months? i would think the extra protien would also help egg production as well help them keep warm.
I feed a higher protein ration year round here to my flock. It prevents deficiencies. I feed a 18% all flock with a separate bowl of oyster shells for the calcium needs. I sometimes mix oatmeal with their ration to make a wet mash for a warm morning treat.
sounds like a plan! makes sense and theres not much price difference . i also have roosters ,ducks and geese in there so i can't give laying pellets anyway.
I am also feeding ducks and turkeys, so it's easier to just feed everyone the same thing.
Yeah cracked corn goes a long way in winter since it heats up the body when breaking down inside the chicken.
I just switched to fermented feed. It's all flock. I add some garlic, probiotics and Spirulina. I find they drink less water with the feed too. I serve it warm 2x a day.
I feed a 18 - 20% Protein feed year round. My Golden Comets feather pick when I switched to a 16% layers feed.
A All-Flock, Flock Raiser, Non-Medicated Starter-Grower, Start & Grow or 18% Layers feed, whatever is freshest and available in your area.
I feed a 18% Medicated Start & Grow to Chicks till at least 10 weeks, then switch to non-medicated when the medicated runs out.
I bought Flock Raiser this week to feed my 10 week old Chicks (when their medicated feed runs out in a week or so) and 30 month old hens with Oyster Shells on the side. GC

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