Changing to Sweet PDZ

JT, just cover the whole board, they will do fine. I made a PDZ leveler, after seeing one that Aart made. I would recommend using round head screws, instead of finish nails like I originally used, in this picure. Leave them 1/2 inch out, it makes it quick and easy to smooth out the PDZ.

PDZ is AWESOME stuff!
I use it combined with sand and use a kitty litter scoop to sift out dropping. It is wonderful. I NEVER have a stinky coop. EVER!

My coop has never had any smell at all, I clean it each morning... scraping frozen poopsicles from the poop boards can be fun.

My coop is 4X4 for 6 hens. I clean it and replace bedding about monthly. I don't use poop boards. One bag of PDZ from TSC lasted me over 6 mo., but I only sprinkle a visible layer directly on the wood floor, then cover it with pine shavings. I only really notice the difference it makes with odor when we have humid and warm conditions. The difference it makes for cleaning purposes is that even a fine layer helps keep poop from sticking to the wood floor, so I almost never have to scrape poop up. It's nice.

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