Chantecler Thread!

awesome, i like my bantams, but the hen only hatched out 1 chick, and that turned out to be a rooster
I just picked up a buff cockerel from another BYC'er that had an extra. He's from Sandhill, nice looking kid. I'll get some pictures as soon as I get some batteries for the camera. (The BF took them for his xbox control!)

Anyway, he has a good little cushion comb and is nice and stocky, but has very light eyes and legs. I'll have to look up the standard for the Chante, even though I know buff isn't APA accepted. (right?) What color eyes do buff birds usually have? His are almost greenish-blue. I figure I will keep him with my hatchery buff brahmas and orloffs until I get good Orloff stock. Who knows, maybe the Chante/Orloff would be a good cross for an Alaskan utility farm bird.
Chanteclers (white and partridge): Reddish Bay
Buff Orpingtons: Reddish Bay.
Buff Cornish: Pearl
Buff Laced Polish: Reddish Bay
Buff Brahma: Reddish Bay

Hm, ok, I would say his eyes are probably pearl then, which would make sense, as I suspect the Buff Cornish was used in developing the variety.

This is Cheeto, AKA the Coca Cola Cowboy. I LOVE this cockerel!!!


I need to get his hatch date, but I think it is about the same as my Delawares. He is a MEATY bird by comparison. Very wide, round, stocky. He has soft, loose feathers, almost like a Buff Orpington, but I am loving that cushion comb. His tail set seems rather low to me, I'm wondering if that is another throw back to the Cornish, like his pearl-colored eye? The second picture shows his tail about as high as I have ever seen it, usually it is lower.

All in all, I am happy with this bird so far and if I were considering getting into buff Chanteclers seriously I wouldn't be opposed to ordering a large batch from Sand Hill and selecting most of my foundation from there, if it were that or hatching eggs.
I've got a Partridge Chantecler that has been sitting on eggs for three weeks. Unfortunately, chances are good that at most one is actually hers.

A second Partridge Chantecler hen has been sitting on eggs for a week now. I doubt she laid any of the eggs she is sitting on (which is OK with me since she has poor penciling).

I'm not real optimistic about a hatch, when the first broody takes her daily walk and another hen hops on her clutch, she doesn't seem to mind. She always ends up back on the eggs, but I don't know how much time there is between when the wrong hen leaves and the right hens gets back on.

But, I am happy that there is broodiness in my Partridge Chanteclers. Next time it happens I will isolate early so that she can tend to her clutch by herself.
While I'm thinking about Chanteclers, does anyone know what became of the census project someone was undertaking?

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