Charlotte County Florida ordinances

HI - no news and almost a year later - I had to get rid of my chickens. Hoping the county zoning laws will pass in September. I am going to the meetings. Wanted you to know I contacted Freyja Farms ( only to find him going out of business. I e-mailed for details. Interested to know how, if county related or just going out of business. Selling off chickens ducks and rabbits. Thanks for the lead. May work into something - I am always hopeful.
Well it's almost August 1st and no one has posted anything on Charlotte County changing the ordinance and allowing backyard chickens in residential neighborhoods. I was hoping to see a post letting everyone know when to storm the administration building in Murdock and plea our case. If anyone has any news or knows of any change please post to this website. Mid-term elections are on for District 2 & 4 and I'm not above ransoming my vote to a candidate that will give our cause some support.
Sorry I haven't replied to anyone recently I was having problems logging in. I would love to go to some meeting and see about getting the ordinances changed . They were already thinking about it a year ago so it seems like they just need another nudge or giant push in the right direction.i have had my girls for a year now and haven't had any problems with the county or neighbors so far. I have 2 small children so finding the time to make calls and organize is hard right now but if someone gives me a time and date I will be there .
Also for anyone local who is interested I will have bantam blue laced red Wyandottes hatching on August 13th.
I called the Charlotte County Board offices today, 8/4/14, 941-743-1300, they transferred me off to numerous agencies who had no clue. Finally got the the Zoning Desk, and left a message for a call back (941-743-1964). From what the people I did spoke to said about the zoning vote was they "thought" the zoning topic was slotted for September 9th, that the board would discuss it. Been going on for at least a year or more - disappointed - but I will be there.
I will also call the county to confirm and request the day off from work to attend. If anyone knows anyone that has or supports backyard chickens, please tell them to attend the meeting. I have done some research and found a website ( from C.L.U.C.K. in Sarasota County. CLUCK was able to change the ordnance in 2012 to allow backyard chickens in certain areas of Sarasota County. They have some really good information on how to change county ordnance and one of the things they recommend is "find every ally you can." So please spread the word to one and all so we can have a strong showing at the meeting.
I checked out the Sarasota site - nice. Thank for sharing, Why is this taking so long? The zoning proposal has been on the in the website for over a year now, maybe more. Clearly states that my property which is now RE-5 (Residential Estates 5 acres) can't have any chickens (anything but a "hooved" animal, meaning horses). With the new zoning my RE-5 would be zoned as AG (agriculture) and I could have max 12 chickens per acres, times 5 acres, means, if I wanted, I could have 60 chickens on my property. That is what is so ironic, I am already on property enough and neighbors who already have horses, goats, llamas and burros, yet the poultry (chickens) are restricted.

Will be there and will write my County Commissioner, [email protected]
Hey Eight, yeah that is weird. I always thought that if you were zoned to have livestock, you could have what livestock you wanted; chickens included. I guess not. I'm zoned RSF-3.5 (3 1/2 houses per acre). Don't know where the 1/2 of house came from but OK. I'm hoping that the county changes the ordnance to allow a few hens for residential areas regardless of zoning but it looks like it won' t be any time soon. If it has taken over a year just to have a discussion about allowing chickens on a 5 acres lot, how long will it take for areas zoned

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